Yet Another Blue Haired Character

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Naoto always thought the city was too hectic for them to focus, especially with how chaotic the Phantom Thieves were. They had to admit that they were rather endearing though, just like how the Investigation Team is. They forced a smile down as they thought about their close friends.

"Mishima tends to hang out here, so we'll just wait for him." Kurusu stopped in front of a set of game machines in the Akihabara district. Naoto looked around at the buildings and the people, falling into that habit of gathering information. The rest of the Thieves chatted amongst themselves, some of them talking about this informant. Mishima. Naoto wondered why this person hadn't been a part of the exchange program, but thought it would be rather rude to ask. However, they wondered how they knew this Mishima if he wasn't a Persona user like the rest.

"Kurusu. I don't mean to be rude, but is this Mishima a Persona user like the rest of us?"

Kurusu broke away from his conversation to address Naoto with a smile. "No, though I wish he was. He's very smart, and the reason he's our informant while Futaba is our Navi is because he, and no offense Futaba, but Mishima is a lot less socially inept." Sakura stomped her foot almost angrily, but she had a teasing tone.

"Hey, 'Kira! I can talk to people!"

"Futaba we literally had to trash your Palace before you would even let us address you by name." Akira rested his arm on Sakura's head, the tiny girl batting his arm away in protest. Before she could retort, a soft, boyish voice rang out.

"Akira! Ryuji!" Naoto looked up as a boy with blue-black hair came running over to the group. He was shorter than Kurusu and Sakamoto, and while he was small in stature, there was a strange weight to his legs. "How's Hashi High?"

"It's been interesting, and it's only been one day. How are you dealing with Shujin by yourself?" Kurusu had a habit of making small talk with whoever he met. Naoto found it a bit endearing and like fresh air compared to the Investigation Team's bluntness. They did wonder how this Mishima had become their informant if he wasn't a part of the Phantom Thieves.

"Oh it's been really fine. A little lonely without you guys I guess, but with the documentary I've never been bored. So, you needed information?" Mishima seemed equally soft as well as excitable, though when he saw Naoto he struggled to contain his excitement. "Who's that?"

"My apologies for not introducing myself." Naoto stepped forward and bowed their head. "My name is Shirogane Naoto. I'm part of the exchange program at Hashi High. Mishima, is it? I heard you were the Phantom Thieves' informant."

Mishima swelled with pride. "You like the Phantom Thieves too?"

Naoto couldn't help but stifle a smile at the boy's enthusiasm. They nodded and looked at Kurusu for approval to ask about the incidents in Shibuya. When he nodded, Naoto turned back to Mishima. "We'd like to ask you-"

"Naoto!" They turned to see Yu and the Investigation Team walking towards them. Naoto waved them over, intending to introduce them to Mishima. Yu had this weird air of pride about him, and Naoto assumed it was probably because they had up and left with the Phantom Thieves to get information. While normally they would feel bad, they knew that Yu hadn't been in the right mind ever since yesterday.

"Guys, this is Mishima, the informant for the Phantom Thieves. Mishima, this is the Investigation Team." Mishima looked a bit overwhelmed from the sudden influx of new faces. Naoto tried to explain without giving away too much. "We all came from a town called Inaba for the exchange program."

"'s very nice to meet you all!" Does anything throw this kid off? "So what did you want to ask me?" Naoto looked up at Yu, who's expression had changed from stony to warm as soon as Mishima spoke. They suppressed the urge to smirk at the change in demeanor. They adjusted their cap and fix Mishima with their iconic stare.

"We heard about the murders here. Not just in Shibuya but all of Tokyo. With the media struggling to recover after the Phantom Thieves incident." They couldn't help the intense cool that came over them as they interrogated Mishima.

"The murders?" Mishima thought for a moment before looking at Kurusu. "Don't tell me that you plan on solving them!" He shook a bit. Whatever was involved in this case scared Mishima. "They mostly target teenagers, especially highschoolers. Apparently they convince them to perform crimes before they're gone for a few weeks. Then the bodies are found. Wrapped in these black and white robes with a snake symbol burned into their chest."

Yu staggered back, bumping into Naoto a bit. He held his fingers to his temple, and when Naoto could see his face, there was bright fear in his eyes. They stepped closer, holding a hand out to try and steady Yu. "Yu, are you-"

"Sorry, Naoto." He cleared his throat and shook his head. "I just got a weird feeling." He didn't elaborate, and Naoto didn't press further. Instead they turned their eyes back onto Mishima, who had looked at Yu in worry. With a nod from Yu, the blue haired boy continued.

"I've heard lots of rumors of people suddenly getting these weird powers. After that, then they vanish, and either turn up dead or seen in those black and white robes." Mishima looked around at the surrounding people before stepping closer as if to whisper. "People say it's the Phantom Thieves doing again, and some of those powerful people are saying that they were the Thieves. But it's not true!" Naoto admired the boy for being so upstanding amid such rumours. But they could understand why Mishima had wanted to whisper to the groups. People around them were starting to look at the large group with some suspicious looks, so Naoto took the lead in the conversation.

"Let's go back to the dorms for now." They cast a glance at both Akira and Yu, hoping the two would agree that this wasn't a good place to talk. "It'd be better if we could talk in private. Mishima, you come along too." Thankfully the two boys agreed for once, and the Phantom Thieves and the Investigation Team started to make their way back to the Hashi High dorm building.

Naoto had gone ahead and messaged Mitsuru about meeting up in the planning room in a few minutes. They knew that Yu wouldn't do it himself, what, with his stupid pride and all. Luckily Naoto was willing to get their hands dirty for this case.

Once they had reached the planning room, S.E.E.S. was already waiting for the other two groups to show up. Mitsuru gave Naoto a small smile when the two groups walked in, though when she saw Mishima, her face went back to it's stoic state. Naoto leaned up against the wall near the front, knowing that they'd probably need to calm everyone down eventually. Mishima joined them, albeit dragged along by Kurusu. It was clear he didn't like being up in front of all these people. Naoto decided it would be best to help him along.

"This is Mishima...." Damn, I don't know his given name!

"Oh, uh, it's Yuuki, but you can just call me Mishima." His eyes had been a bit glazed over, and his stance swayed a little. He shook his head to right himself. Is he ok? Naoto didn't pay too much mind to it though, since Mishima seemed to be ok.

"Right, Mishima Yuuki. He was the informant for the Thieves, and has some important information for us regarding the murders in Tokyo."

They could see that Mishima was shaking a bit, but Kurusu smiled at him in a comforting way. Mishim took a deep breath before beginning.

"The media has been covering up the murders in an attempt to make it seem like the government isn't corrupt or something." There was a snicker from Sakamoto before Niijima shushed him. "According to what I've seen though, there are these cultists that wear black and white robes that have been targeting teenagers, promising them loads of power. They do crimes before suddenly vanishing, then turn up a few days later dead."

"Black and white robes? Like the ones we saw on that guy behind the window?" Iori looked at Mishima, and Naoto felt a bit of panic well up inside them. Mishima doesn't know about the world behind the window!

"Junpei, hush. We shouldn't tell a stranger-"

"I'm not new to this kind of thing!" Mishima fixed Arisato with a fierce glare. Naoto was surprised at the aggression from the otherwise timid boy. "I was right there when blood rained down on Tokyo, I saw it when no one else did, and I felt the only people in this corrupt world that I looked up to vanish!" How admirable, standing up for himself like this. Mishima clearly deserved to be a part of this, even if he wasn't a Persona user. Naoto turned their gaze to look at Arisato, who seemed to have gotten over his shock at being yelled at.

"I like you, Yuuki."

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