Ryoji Mochizuki

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Minato was trembling uncontrollably. He didn't want to show weakness in front of the other two, though he had to admit that they had shown weakness as well. From Narukami whimpering about some girl named Nanako while blankly handing the Shadow his weapon to Kurusu screaming in blind rage while he shoved an entire knife into a Shadow's skull, Minato thought they were pretty pathetic. Hokori's hypnosis was frighteningly powerful, using the memories of the leaders to control them. The other two were weak for falling for it, but he should have known he would be next. He should have known that Hokori wasn't going to play fair. But god dammit why did it have to be Ryoji?

"Minato... I missed you." His shook violently. Almost every single part of him screamed that it wasn't real, that it was just Hokori's stupid Shadow. His heart ached terribly though, making him want nothing more than to curl up and cry. "Didn't you miss me?" Shut up.

Hokori didn't need to use hypnosis, though Minato doubted it would have worked. Just seeing Ryoji was enough to throw him into those suppressed memories he had fought hard to keep under control. His head was spinning like mad, pangs rattling his chest with every breath.

The first memory he saw was when Ryoji was still Pharos, a tiny child that stared at him while he slept and talked to him of trials and death. Despite being in his memories the taunting voice of that Shadow reached his ears. "Do you remember all the times I woke you up? You were a rather nice conversationalist. I loved our talks." Shut up! You're not Ryoji! Minato desperately wanted to scream that, but he was so locked in his mind that the only sound he could let out was a pitiful whimper.

He held his head in his hands as another memory replayed in his mind. It was the first time he had met Ryoji as an actual person and not some sleep paralysis demon. Those glittering blue eyes that Minato continually found himself getting lost in, the warm yellow scarf the boy was always too happy to share, all of it made his heart flutter with joy. One of my actually happy memories.

"My first day of school. I loved seeing you every day." Shut up! Shut up right now! Minato could only wail in his head towards the horrible Shadow that wore the face of the black haired boy. He wanted to curse himself for being so weak, but he couldn't even fight back against the thoughts that plagued him. "Didn't you miss me, Minato?"

The next memory was the bridge. Not the bridge, oh please. Seeing Ryoji standing there with his scarf billowing in the wind as he explained who he really was made Minato's heart wrench. He could feel tears forming in his eyes as he remembered all they had said to each other. I'll still love you, even if you kill me. Thana- no, your name is Ryoji. Ryoji Mochizuki, I will love you. "I'll love you too, Minato. Is what I want to say."

The laugh that followed the boy's words was twisted with malice. Minato could tell that it was Hokori that was laughing, but that didn't change the fact that every single insane chuckle was like ice being stabbed over and over in his body. Hokori could kill him right now for all he cared. Anything to stop this horrible aching in his heart. Minato could hear the Shadow charging up some powerful attack, as well as the rest of S.E.E.S. screaming his name. I'm sorry everyone. He braced himself for death.

But it never came.

When Minato opened his eyes, a rather familiar Persona was protecting him. The long white legs and coffins lining his back, as well as the thin sword, it all was so familiar. In fact, he could remember the name, though it had been a while since he said it. "Thanatos?"

"While that is one of my names I must say I prefer it when you call me Ryoji."

Minato just about cried upon looking just past Thanatos to see the real Ryoji. The black haired boy was extending a hand out to him, which Minato grabbed firmly and helped himself up. Without any more hesitation he pulled Ryoji into a hug, tucking his face into the boy's shoulder. He struggled not to cry, shaking from all the emotions. I missed you.

"It's been a while."

"Shut up Ryoji." Minato's voice cracked. "How did you even get here? Why are you even here?" The more Minato thought about it, the stranger it all seemed. How did Ryoji get here if he had since been defeated as the god of death?

"That blue lady, Elizabeth, she was trying to find a way to get you back Minato. Nothing was working, not even the Nose had the power to break that seal. But I had an idea." Ryoji pulled away from Minato, looking at him with a soft expression. "I gave you my human life. The one you had so lovingly cherished me in, where we bonded so closely. I had barely lived with it, and so had you. So I wanted you to live it out for the both of us." He took the blue haired boy's hands with his own. Minato felt like crying, though whether it was from happiness at seeing Ryoji or just emotions from hearing at how he had come back because of the boy's sacrifices was uncertain. "So please Minato, live on. For both of us."

With those final words, Ryoji fizzled away back into Minato's chest. He felt the warmth of the love the two shared for each other. After a moment of gathering himself, he looked back at the fake Ryoji. He gritted his teeth as he stared down the imposter. "I hate you. I hate everything about you. It's time you die." His voice, which used to be shivering and trembling with fear, was steady with anger. I am NOT weak. Red hot rage blazed through him, Thanatos growling at the mock boy. I will now bow to your will!

Shouting, Thanatos raced forward, flames blazing from his mouth. They exploded into Ryoji, over and over again. The flames I breathe are barely even stoked in the hatred I feel for you. Succumb to the power of the god of death! The Shadow tried to fight back, but with Minato's rage and passion, it was impossible for the beast to even begin to defend itself. Flames danced around the room, the heat barely even reaching his face. After only a few more blazing attacks the Shadow was nothing more than a charred mess. Minato glared at Hokori with nothing more than annoyance.

"You are nothing but dust beneath my heel, using memories like that to manipulate people into doing things for you." Thanatos growled viciously at Hokori before Minato retracted him. "We'll trash this temple and crumble you along with it. You'd better be ready."

Minato was keeping up a tough front, but his body felt ready to give in. He remembered the first time he had used Thanatos, and how it had caused him to pass out for a week. Stay strong. Hokori snarled at the teens before hopping across the shelves to make his escape. As much as Minato wanted to go after him, his legs just about ready to cave in. He turned around to look at S.E.E.S., and upon seeing how worn out they were, decided that this was a good place to start next time.

"S.E.E.S., er, everyone, we should really head back." Looking at Narukami and Kurusu's faces only solidified this decision. The gray haired boy looked ready to hurl his guts up, and his skin was raw from trying to scratch the Shadow blood off his arms. The darker teen had some sort of murderous look in his eyes, and he hadn't put away his dagger since he fought that brown haired Shadow. "Let's head back down." Thankfully they both agreed.

Once they had gotten back to the dorms, Minato barely talked to anyone as people filtered from Ken's room. He knew that everyone besides just his team had seen him break down upon seeing Ryoji. If he talked to them, he feared he'd just break down again. Once everyone was back inside the dorms, he gave a curt nod to Kurusu and Narukami before walking to his room. He didn't want to go to sleep yet, but thanks to the soreness in his entire body he figured he had no choice. He just about fell into his room, and luckily he saw the scarf before he passed out.

Minato picked up the yellow scarf, feeling the soft fabric on his skin. Tears started to blur his vision again, but he choked them back. He buried his face into the scarf, inhaling just a bit. The thought briefly occurred to him to lock his door in case anyone walked in to see him nose deep in the fabric. The faint smell of mint and pine candles. It filled his chest with a warm, loving feeling, and as he went to lay down, he wrapped his body in the scarf. I could sleep every night if I wrapped myself up like this. He could only hope that no one would walk in on him the next morning.

Thank you Ryoji. Warmth spread across his face. I'll forever cherish this life we spend together. 

[I didn't plan for this to be the thirteenth part but hah guess it worked out like that. And now we know how Minato is alive (: Hope you enjoyed!]

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