After the Mission

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Junpei was tasked with watching over Nishi for the night, until the Investigation Team could take her back home. As he sat in the common room, he had plenty of time to think about a lot of things. Defeating Hokori was easy, but the toll it took on Nishi can't be ignored. He glanced over at the black haired girl. She had yet to wake up since they got out, but according to Fuuka, she seemed to be ok.

Junpei pulled out his phone, but right before he could even think of something to look at, there was a small groan from Nishi. He scrambled over to her in time for her to wake up with a yawn. Nishi looked around her, slowly gathering the fact that she was in some sort of dorm instead of her home. Junpei watched the panic rise in the girl's eyes.

"Wait! Please don't scream or anything, I can explain why you're here!" Junpei waved his hands in desperation to keep her quiet, but luckily she seemed to understand. "Ah, sorry to startle you. I'm Iori Junpei." He held out his hand. Damn she's pretty. A familiar ache spread through his heart.

She took his hand and gently shook it. "Oh, it's ok. I'm just really confused as to where I am." Nishi smiled gently, her dark eyes rather soft. "I'm Nishi Kuro." She gazed around the common room, her gaze falling on the doors to the rooms. "So where is this? A kind of dorm?"

"Yeah, this is the dorm building for Hashi High." Junpei sighed and sat down nearby. I can't believe I have to explain everything by myself. One of the other teams would be better at this than me. "Sorry to keep my explanation short, it's... hard to explain." He laughed awkwardly. "You were kidnapped, but we rescued you."

"I was... Oh, I guess I was kidnapped, huh? I remember... I was working at the convenience store when I was suddenly gagged and blinded. I woke up on the ground in some strange place, and then again when I heard something scream. Some guy was holding me..."

"I do apologize for grabbing you without permission." Oh thank god, it's Narukami. The tall boy rounded the corner with three bottles. "I wasn't sure which one you'd like, Nishi, so I just brought some water for you. As for you, Iori, I was told you like soda." Narukami handed one to Junpei. He took it and twisted the lid off, taking a long sip. Ah, that's the stuff. "It's good to see you well, Nishi. My name is Narukami Yu."

"It's nice to meet both of you. Admittedly this is really strange, but you said this was Hashi High, right? Have you talked to any of the transfer students from Shujin?" Nishi took the water Narukami handed her. "Apparently one of my classmates, uhm, Mishima I think his name is, was pretty upset that all his friends transferred over."

"Oh, you mean Kurusu and his friends?" Junpei raised his eyebrows. He recognized the name Shujin, as well as Mishima. That's right, Mishima is the one who told us about Nishi. "All of us are transfers from various schools around Japan. This dorm was really built for us."

"If you're all transfers, then where did you all come from?" Nishi seemed to not really care or pay any mind to her kidnapping or the fact that she had woken up in another school's dorm.

"I'm...well my friends are from Yasogami High in Inaba. I went there last year as a transfer myself." Narukami leaned on a chair in such an aloof manner he looked almost innocent. If I hadn't seen him try to smite Hokori with massive blasts of lightning I'd believe he was just some fluffy dude. He sighed. "I was going to attend a different school here, but right before I left I was told I'd be transferring here."

"I went to Gekkoukan High last year. It's over on Tatsumi Port Island. All my friends transferred here with me, even Ken." Junpei didn't know why he felt like he had to impress Nishi.

"Wait, so you all came here with your friends? That's incredible! I don't think I could ever transfer away from my friends." Junpei felt static charge the room and realized that it must have been Narukami who was on edge. Yeah, I don't think he could either.

"It's good to know you're doing ok. We can take you back tomorrow if you want, so feel free to just hang out here." Narukami smiled softly. He hides it so well to the untrained eye, but I can tell he's exhausted. It was clear to Junpei that he had tried to hide the bags under his eyes, as well as the bruises and cuts he had suffered. No one could recover from fighting that hard so easily. I know he's doing it to keep Nishi calm.

"Oh." Nishi looked away a bit sheepishly. "I'm sorry to have caused trouble. Why did you save me anyway? And... And how did you know where I was?"

"It's quite complicated to explain. We're just people who side with justice really. Mishima told us you went missing, so we went to go find you." Narukami shrugged, acting as if diving headfirst into a scary world and beating up some dangerous cultists was no big deal. "Those cultists are hard to avoid these days huh?"

"Right, those weirdos. People say they have churches everywhere, but no one's been able to find them. And they kidnap high schoolers all the time." Nishi leaned forward in earnest. "It's crazy in Tokyo right now."

"I hope you stay safe after you go back, Nishi."

Junpei sighed. "I should probably head to bed for now. I've been up all night." He stood and stretched, feeling how sore his muscles were from fighting. Instinctively he patted his hip, feeling his Evoker still in its holster. Good. He waved good night to Narukami and Nishi and walked slowly to his room. It had been a mission successful, and he deserved a break for a while.

He flopped on his bed and turned out the lights, his mind drifting off towards the notebook that sat in the window. Are you looking over me even now, Chidori?

Will you watch as I save people like you saved me?

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