Beary Sweet

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"Narukami, you'd better have a damn good explanation for this."

Yu stumbled to his door, swearing to himself. That's Kurusu's voice. He couldn't deny the irritation that blazed through him at once. He opened the door to see the Thief holding a familiar looking boy dressed in a white ruffled shirt by the collar. The boy whined as he clung to his armful of sweets for dear life. Kuma?

"Just give him to me." Yu reached for Kuma but Kurusu pulled away with a shake of his head. Yu narrowed his eyes and reached for Kuma again.

"Not until you explain why I found this thieving little rat pilfering all the sweets from the kitchen." Kurusu seemed to be seething, but Yu couldn't figure out why he was so mad about Kuma. His irritation turned into anger. Give me Kuma and this can all be done with.

"He was hungry, isn't that obvious?" Yu lunged and snatched Kuma from Kurusu's grip. He pulled the boy into his room. "He's just like everyone else. Can you blame him?" There was unintentional venom in his voice as he spat.

"Yes, when he's stealing the snacks that I bought for my Thieves." Kurusu folded his arms and shifted his weight. "Where the hell did he come from anyway, and why does he call you sensei?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Kuma managed to wriggle out of Yu's grasp and land on the floor. He forced his snacks into the boy's arms. "Sensei is the most amazing Persona user there is! He was the first of us to get his power, and Izanagi is so strong!" Yu felt the familiar tingles of electricity start to spark over his skin as he realized how close Kuma was to revealing some more personal information.

"Kuma, where is your suit? Is it in the kitchen still?" Yu could feel Kurusu's poisonous glare from here, and in response his body crackled more. His eyes flickered up, matching those dark gray eyes with his own glare.

"No, of course not. I went ahead and put it in Yosuke's room, but he wasn't there. So I just left my suit there before running back down to grab more of these tasty snacks!" Kuma took the mountain of goodies from Yu's arms. "I'm gonna go back to Yosuke's room now! I'm sure he'll accomodate me!" The boy trotted off, leaving Kurusu and Yu to continue to glare at each other.

"So you want to explain where he came from?"

Normally, Yu would have been willing to explain the mysteries surrounding Kuma, but today wasn't that day. Kurusu had disturbed his studying to bother him with something trivial, and he was already feeling more than irritated at the black haired teen for various reasons. "No." He stepped back to close the door on the Thief, but a foot in the way stopped him.

I am THIS close to shocking you into next week, Kurusu.

"I think I deserve an explanation for some strange boy coming into the dorms and stealing my sweets. What other secrets are you hiding in that dumbass collar of yours?" Kurusu snapped at Yu, making his hair stand on end with the lightning that coursed through his body. "You and Arisato are suspicious as hell." He pushed on the door, but Yu held it fast.

"Get out of my room, Kurusu. I don't trust thieves." Yu started to close the door again, despite Kurusu's protests. I'm physically much stronger than you. There's no way you can fight against me. "Kuma is just one of the Investigation Team's Persona users, and that's all you need to know." With one final push, the door closed on Kurusu.

Yu leaned against the door to keep Kurusu out, sliding the lock shut. He sighed exasperatedly, pressing his fingers through his hair. He tugged at the gray strands, a nervous tick he developed in the TV world. This 'talk,' if you could even call it that, set him more on edge than normal. His irritation towards both Kurusu and Arisato had deepened, leading him closer to hatred.

There was a knock at the door. Yu pressed his head to the wood, refusing to open it until the knocking persisted. With a growl, he unlocked the door and flung it open. "What part of get out of my-"

Yu stopped yelling as soon as he recognized Yosuke's face. He sank his teeth into the inside of his lip. "Shit, Yosuke, I-"

Yosuke folded his arms with a huff. "I already know what happened. I ran into Akira on my way here and explained about Kuma." Yu felt concern flash through him, but Yosuke wasn't done. "Don't worry, I didn't tell him about your power. But I need to talk to you about something Futaba found." Yu sighed.

"Sorry Yosuke. I'm kind of distracted. Come in and we can talk." Yu moved aside so the boy could walk in. He shut the door and sat at his desk, which still had papers and books strewn across it. I barely got any studying done.

"Futaba found something while talking to Mishima. Some kid from a nearby school is missing. Aocha Heiwa. We suspect the butcher in Shinjuku, Inoshi Sansho." Yu sighed again, resting his chin in the palm of his hand. He had been waiting for the next update on the cultist case, but he couldn't swallow his pride enough to just let go of his argument with Kurusu.


"You're upset about Akira."

Yu buried his face in his hands, pulling at his hair with his fingers more. Yosuke could always see through his facades, to the point where it could get annoying. "I know. I'm just upset. Kurusu and Arisato are ...aggravating. I wish I could solve this with just the Investigation Team, but I know we can't." Yu fell limp onto the desk, nesting his head in his arms. One eye looked up at Yosuke, who had a disapproving look on his face. It hurt a bit.

"You know, maybe if you three slug it out, you might see more eye to eye." There was a laugh at the edge of his words, though Yu could tell that Yosuke wasn't entirely joking. That was fine. He could joke around too.

"It's hard to see eye to eye with them when they're so short." Yu couldn't deny that he felt better like this, joking around with Yosuke. The metallic taste of bitterness was fading from his mouth.

"Hey! I'm the same height as Akira, and you don't call me short!" Yu laughed and lifted his head back up. Yosuke was making his normal pouting face when he was teased, and it made Yu's face start to feel warm. It had been a while since the two had time to be alone like this, and he was once again reminded of his feelings for the boy. Especially when Yosuke pouted like that, with his lower lip looking so biteable-

Yu cleared his throat, trying to rid his mind of such perverted thoughts. He stood up and gave Yosuke a look. "Come on. We should meet with the other Persona users." Beating up Shadows will help me clear my head. Thankfully, Yosuke agreed, despite the gleam in his eyes. We're both so desperate these days. Yu opened his door, leaning in the opening.

He'd reward Yosuke later. That was a promise to himself, one that he intended to uphold no matter the rules in place at these dorms. 

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