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"Kero kero..."

Yosuke chewed on his lip as he stared at the blank paper in front of him. He had sat down in the common room today to try and figure out who the hell these cultists were, but so far he had come up with nothing. Not only that, but even trying to think made his head hurt. The others in the common room weren't helping, with Akira just reading while upside down in a chair, and Sanada shadow boxing in the corner. Yosuke grumbled again and tapped his pencil against the table.

"Yosuke, what was that?"

Akira caught his eye. Yosuke lifted his head, a bit confused. "What was what?" The dark haired boy pursed his lips in thought.

"You said something, like 'kero kero'. Was it a ribbit?"

Yosuke's face blushed brightly. He had heard from Yu that he tended to do that when he was deep in thought, but he never noticed. Akira apparently found it amusing, as he laughed at the blushing teen. "I...I don't notice when I do it...."

"Is it because of your Persona?"

His only response was to make the noise again, but softer. Akira snickered again.

"It's cute."

Yosuke attempted to hide in his shirt. Dammit! Shut up! He stood up and crumpled the paper before throwing it at Akira. "Don't ca- kero- call me that!" He clamped his hands over his mouth as a ribbit escaped on accident. Akira laughed more as Yosuke's face got even redder. Without waiting for yet another opportunity to embarrass himself, Yosuke ran back to his room and slammed his door rather loudly.

"Ahhhh! Dammit!" Yosuke paced his room as he tried to calm down. He loosened one of his kunai from his sleeve and threw it into the target on his wall. He didn't even take note of the perfect bullseye before sitting down on his bed and whipping his headphones into place over his ears. Yosuke let his music calm his racing heart until he laid back, melting away into the world within his head.

He wasn't sure how long he had been gone, or if he had even remained awake for all of it, but the yellow and red lights of dusk started to filter into his room. Yosuke sat up and took his headphones off, gazing outside. He found that the colors were soothing, inadvertently chirping the soft ribbits of Jiraiya.

A knock at his door and a firm voice made Yosuke jump. He scrambled over to his door and opened it, revealing Yu. He smiled.


The soft chuckle was like music. "Hey Yosuke." Yu didn't walk in, instead just leaning on the door frame. "I'd love to keep talking but the other two leaders and I want to go in and kick Inoshi's ass." There was a grumble in his words that hinted towards the animosity between the leaders, and Yosuke assumed that they didn't talk it over so much as argued about it.

"Oh, ok then. It's a little late though, won't Kouji kill us?"

"Don't worry." The way Yu spoke sent a chill down Yosuke's spine. The gleam in his eyes was more than just deadly. "The only evidence he'll find towards someone locking him out of the dorms is a set of cat paws."

Yosuke didn't press any further, instead just gathering up as many kunai as his sleeves could hold. The newest window to the Realm had been through Haru's room, and since everyone had been holding onto their weapons for now, he made his way there. Even from down the hall he could smell the flowers and fruits she grew, mingling together into a rather pleasant aroma.

The inside was even better, with flowers and plants on every surface possible, even hanging from the ceiling. Yosuke would have expected the smell to be overpowering, but it was light and soft, making him feel strangely invigorated for battle. Ryuji had apparently opened the window already, as the Persona users were filtering in as they arrived. Yosuke followed them, diving in head first.

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