School Trip

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"Don't forget! Practices and club activities will still be held over summer break, considering how all students now live in the dorm buildings." Chie lifted her head off the desk, looking at their homeroom teacher as she continued talking. "The school trip is also tomorrow, so remember to pack tonight." With that, Mrs. Tori left the room, the transfer students all starting to buzz with conversation.

Chie stood and stretched before gathering all of her things together. I can't wait to see Tatsumi Port again! Despite the incident from the last time they went, she still felt excited to go back, especially since they'd be there for a few more days than last time. She turned around too fast in her excitement, almost bumping into Arisato.

"Oh, sorry Satonaka." The blue haired boy looked down at her with a small smile. "This trip is going to be...interesting." He chuckled a bit, though Chie could hear some sadness in his voice. He continued walking, throwing some words over his shoulder. "It'll be ok to see some of the old places I used to hang out I guess."

The change in the transfers wasn't just limited to Arisato. After beating Zurui, all three leaders seemed more open and mature. It was nice, at least in Chie's opinion. She finished gathering her things, then hopped up next to Yukiko.

Chie grabbed Yukiko's hand, feeling the delicate fingers curl in her palm. "Come on Yukiko! I'm really excited for this school trip!" She smoothed down her skirt, realizing it had gotten ruffled in her energetic bouncing.

Yukiko giggled softly. "You do seem excited. Do you think we'll go to that club again?" Chie shivered, shaking her head. That would be another disaster. "Hmm, maybe not. I don't remember much of that night, and I'd like to remember this trip. Oh, do you think if we asked the members of S.E.E.S. they'd show us around Tatsumi Port?"

"Oh! That's a really good idea!" The two started walking towards the dorms, a small skip in Chie's step. It wasn't just the excitement from the idea of the trip. Chie always felt like this when she was with Yukiko, though she couldn't think of a name for the feeling. It most certainly wasn't bad though.

Once they got back to the dorms, the two girls parted ways, but only after Chie stood on her toes and kissed Yukiko on the cheek. She went to her room, throwing her school things on the bed for the time being. Chie stretched her back out, feeling her joints pop as she moved her shoulders around. Normally, she'd work out when she got back from class before going to eat with the Investigation Team, but today was different. She reached down under her bed, pulling a suitcase from the depths.

It was sundown by the time Chie was pulled from her monotonous packing, the soft noises of Yosuke's guitar peeling out into the air. It was something she had gotten used to, being able to tell how late it was, since the music always played right at dusk. She had no idea why Yosuke played his guitar right at dusk every night, nor did she understand the multitudes of keros that rang out with them. It didn't matter though, it was such a nice sound that Chie always found herself nodding along.

As much as she wanted to sit and let the nice music wash her away, Chie still needed to eat. She eyed her almost packed suitcase and sighed before walking down to the kitchen. Yu was waiting there, reading with a steaming cup of coffee in his hand. He looked up when she walked in, giving her a small smile.

"We're going to Tatsumi Port again, huh? I highly doubt Rise will be able to get us into that club for free again, though I don't think we should revisit that..." Yu took a bashful sip of his coffee, setting his book down. "I'm sure the other two groups don't want to experience that."

Chie could understand that. She had tried to block out that memory, but for some reason it kept coming back. Especially now, whenever she glanced at Yu it was hard to forget those rippling abs, and she could understand completely why Yosuke practically worshipped the silver haired boy. Though it only took a breath to chase away the heat that flooded her cheeks. "Yeah, that would be bad... though it did get Naoto on our side."

Yu took another sip and took off his glasses. "That is true." He looked down the hall, listening as Yosuke's music floated down to them. "The frogs are loud today." He smiled and hummed along, and Chie realized she had never heard her leader really sing. It wasn't as smooth and flowing as Yukiko's voice, nor did it make her catch on fire as badly, but it was still rather pretty.

"I'm still excited for the trip though, especially now that we have people from there to show us around!" Chie dug around in one of the cabinets, finding a few snacks to have before bed. "I'm sure we won't get separated again."

"I've already asked Minato if he can show us around, though he didn't seem too happy about it." Yu tapped his fingers on the mug in thought. "Something about almost ending the world the last time he was there." Chie sat down next to him, munching on her snacks. "I highly doubt that'll happen again."

"It's crazy that we get two school trips this year, surrounding summer break. I guess they expect us to do cultural studies while we're on them, though since the second trip is to Inaba, that might be harder." Chie twirled her wrist around, holding a chip between her fingers. She was starting to grow drowsy with Yosuke's music wafting over them, and with the excitement for tomorrow, if she actually wanted to sleep tonight, she'd have to go to bed now. She finished eating and stood, bidding Yu farewell for now. "I'm going to bed."

Yu waved at her, putting his glasses back on to continue reading. Right before Chie left, he spoke up, though it sounded like he was thinking out loud. "Hey Chie? Who do you think the master is that's behind all this?" The athletic girl looked back, assuming he had a hunch of some kind. Her eyes flitted to the book in his hands, reading the title. Egyptian Gods. "I've been talking to the other two leaders, and based on our experience with other gods, we think it might be another one." There was some irritation in Yu's voice as he turned the page. Chie leaned over his shoulder, scanning the page.

"Wait, isn't that-"

"The symbol on the windows when we open them to the Chaos Realm." The oval encircling the snake stood out on the page, a description underneath. "This symbol was used to represent the god of evil and chaos, Apep, otherwise known as Apophis." Chie bit her lip. Things were starting to fall into place, but it wasn't looking good. "It's nothing solid yet, but I understand why they called us God Slayers. If this master really is a god, people like us are a threat."

Chie stood back as Yu dived back into his book. She didn't give much more thought to the matter, letting the leaders mull it over. She went back to her room, throwing her suitcase to the floor so she could sleep. The gentle sounds of Yosuke's guitar mixed with the frog noises lulled her into sleep, leaving her excited for the next day, and the school trip to come.

And if the master behind everything was a god, then that was fine.

They've defeated them before, so they'll just do it again.

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