Power of the Wild Card

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After Yosuke left, Yu sat on the door for god knows how long before he decided to get up and walk to the TV. The clock in his room showed it to be a few minutes past midnight, and the screen remained empty and quiet. Figuring the lush green fields were more welcoming than this cold room, he stepped through the screen.

Yu took a deep breath, the scent of the flowers filling his lungs. Ever since they had returned the world back to its original state, he liked coming here to unwind with Yosuke. Tonight he didn't want to disturb the boy any further though, opting to wander the place aimlessly.

It was always beautiful and breathtaking when he was here, the light warm on his skin. He took off his blazer and draped it over his arm, walking nowhere in particular. Eventually, a tv set rose in front of him. The kitchen. His stomach rumbled. Yu remembered that he hadn't eaten anything since breakfast that morning. No one is awake at this hour, no one should notice if I just make myself a little something. He climbed through the TV set and just about tackled Minato, who had been trying to pilfer snacks from the cabinets. Yu scrambled backwards, trying to escape back through the TV while Minato wailed over his spilled snacks. Yu managed to get back through the TV, panting from many different feelings at once. He could hear Minato gather his snacks back up before approaching the screen.

"Yu? Are you in there?" He didn't respond, silently pleading to whatever gods were left that Minato would just leave. "This is stupid. I'm talking to a screen. Tch." Yu thought he heard some shuffling of feet before a very loud BANG echoed through the entire area. He leaned back through to see Minato curled up on the ground, swearing up a storm. He carefully crawled out, crouching beside the boy. Did he try to go through the screen?

Akira happened to have walked in at the same time, raising his eyebrows at the boy at the floor, then flicking his eyes up to fix Yu with a questioning look. "Wanna explain to me why Minato is in the floor and I just watched you come out of a TV?"

"Not particularly, no, but I'll do it anyway. After I make us some food." Yu eyed the unhealthy snacks that Minato had amassed together, grimacing a bit. "God, Minato. Are you trying to kill yourself?" He picked the boy up who had since stopped swearing and started trying to staunch the flow of blood from his nose. Yu felt his stomach wrench at seeing the crimson dripping down, but he swallowed the feeling.

"Shut the hell up Narukami."

"Sit down so I can make you something with actual subsistence." Minato huffed but sat down at the nearby counter, where Akira joined him. He grabbed a towel to pinch his nose with, the blood still trickling from his face. Yu pulled ingredients out of the fridge, then turned on the stove. It was silent for a moment, before he spoke again. "I'm one of the only people who can pass through the screens on my own. I can help people through, but no one else can go through by themselves. On the other side is a wide, expansive world. It used to be foggy, but we beat the person making the fog. Using that world is how we managed to solve the string of murders in Inaba.

"That place makes these big dungeons based on the person who gets thrown in. We had to fight the Shadow of their person at the top, so they could face their darker side and gain their Persona. I led them for a few reasons, but mostly because I could use multiple Personas." A prideful note crept into his voice as he walked over with omlettes for the other two, as well as one for himself. He sat down next to them.

"You mean, more than just your normal Persona?"

"Yeah, and it's not like you, Minato. I have the power of the wild card-"

"Oh me too."

Yu was startled by the response from not just Minato but also Akira. He gazed at the two boys who were staring at each other in shock. All three of us? "Wait, so... all three of us are wild cards? This whole 'three groups of Persona users being sent to the same school' is starting to seem a lot less coincidental."

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