Mind Charge

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The leaders are extremely fired up today, and with good reason.

Naoto trailed behind the three leaders, noticing how swiftly they swept through Zurui's prison, how furiously they beat down the Shadows and cultists in their way. Being kidnapped changed them, and Naoto saw how they'd finally stopped butting heads against each other. That's good.

There was something else that had changed about them too. When Naoto first joined the Investigation Team, they had noticed something strange. Yu was a lot stronger than the rest, giving off an intense aura that contradicted his otherwise relaxed personality, though the reason only became evident later. He had the power to wield multiple Personas, calling it the wild card. And now, as they ran after the rather feral leaders, Naoto could tell that the other two must have that power as well. They didn't have to be a Navi to feel the strength the three leaders radiated.

With the leaders as fired up as they were, it wasn't long before the Persona users made it to the top of the temple. Zurui was waiting there, a few of her followers nearby. She cackled, staring down at the leaders.

"So you did make it out alive. Absolutely incredible, but I shouldn't put anything past you damned God Slayers at this point right?" The cultist, or Acolyte, as they were supposed to be called, stood from the overly gaudy throne she was sitting in. Her followers moved forward, weapons in hand. Naoto pulled their gun from their uniform, calmly fitting it into their palm as Zurui kept talking. "You even managed to break free of those Shadows I designed for you. That's incredible."

"So you kidnapped your own son?" There was no mistaking the fury in Kurusu's voice. The anger he spit could have been considered reckless, but Naoto could feel actual power behind each word. What on earth? Even if they were special, there's no way they could have gained this much power over night!

But Zurui only laughed. If she was intimidated by the power radiating through the room, she didn't show it. "I never thought the famous God Slayers would bother themselves with a delinquent child, who only acts that way because his momma is some big shot police officer! But of course I was wrong." She snapped her fingers, and the other cultists stepped forward. "Even so, I don't plan on failing like those other two. I've researched you, and I've discovered your weaknesses." She nodded, a smirk on her face.

Right before the cultists could attack, the three leaders turned around. Yu spoke first, addressing the groups as a whole. "From today forth, we work as one."

"Putting aside our differences and retaliating against these Acolytes and their master is what we need to do to save this world. We will do our best to lead you in that way." Arisato's voice was quiet, but the lethality with each word was like a blade.

"We must succeed, to save the people here, and this world! Persona users, we will not let these Acolytes, whoever they work for, ruin the lives of countless people here!" Kurusu spun his blade in his palm before whirling back around to face the cultists. "Navis, get a reading on Zurui, and everyone else? Do what you do best."

"Hah! I already bested you once, what's to stop me from doing it again?" Zurui's cultists let out a massive blast of ice, aimed at the leaders in particular. "You can't resist my power!"

"Oh no!" Rise's voice cut into Naoto's thoughts. "That's an extremely strong attack, they won't be able to resist!" Damn, really? Naoto ran forward, the shimmering blue card appearing in front of them. Right before they could shoot it, the ice hit the leaders in all of its fury.

There was a chuckle as the snow cleared. All three were standing tall, completely unaffected by the powerful attack. No way. Did... Naoto's lingering question was interrupted by Zurui's hiss of rage. "How? How did you resist that attack?" She growled, but Naoto could see the fear in her eyes. "Who the hell are you people?"

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