Nice To Mee-ow-t You

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Akira was so shocked at seeing Morgana that he couldn't even react when the cat had angrily snapped at Futaba. He thought he had left him back at home, since he was unsure if the dorms allowed pets. He watched as the two spat fire at each other before interrupted.

"Morgana! I thought I left you at home. How the hell did you get here?"

"I snuck on the trains. Surprising how many people don't notice a cat on the subway." As always, the cat was full of himself. But that still didn't explain why he was here. "Akira, I'm sorry for not telling you, but as soon as you left I got these weird visions. They involved the Thieves, and-"

"And these guys?" Akira gestured to the Investigation Team and S.E.E.S. If Morgana had seen the same things he did, then it was probably best if Morgana was there.

"You ARE talking to the cat!" Chie stood up, pointing an accusatory finger at the Thieves. "Wait, is it actually talking back?"

"Oh, right." Futaba let Morgana down and faced the others. "Morgana can talk. It's hard to explain why, but only us Thieves can hear him."

"What's he think about me?" Hanamura thrusted a thumb at his chest, causing Narukami to sigh. Though, Akira noticed, he did have a smile on his face.

"Ugh. As if we needed another brain dead idiot like Ryuji." Morgana groaned, glaring at Ryuji who gave him a similar glare in retaliation.

"He called you a brain dead idiot. Just like Ryuji." Futaba was never one for having a filter, especially when it came to talking about people. Akira sighed, a bit worn out from so many things happening at once.

"Hey! I'm not that brain dead!" Both Ryuji and Hanamura both cried out in indignation. Akira lunged across the table to hold Ryuji back from punting the cat all the way back home, shouting at the two to cut it out for once, especially in front of these nice people.

Arisato let out an impatient sigh. "I want to find out what's going on here, and if you guys are just going to sit around yelling to a cat, I'll do it on my own." He got up and stormed out, who was quickly followed by the rest of S.E.E.S. Narukami jumped up to go after him, then turned to face the Thieves.

"He's right. Obviously you guys can't keep it together so we can figure out why the hell we're even here." His stony eyes sent a chill through Akira. Anger started to flood through him as Narukami kept talking. "There's no way such an absentminded group could have changed people's hearts. We'll solve this ourselves, thanks." He was about to walk out before Shirogane stopped him.

"Yu. You know for a fact that we can't do this on our own. These cultists and incidents are on a different level than what we dealt with back home." Narukami didn't turn around to look at them. "Yu, they can help us and you know it. Stop being stubborn-"

"You think we aren't the real Phantom Thieves?" Akira was shaking with anger. The Thieves backed away from him, knowing his rage was quite the storm. "You think that just because you solved some murders that you can talk down to us like we're pigs?"

Narukami turned to look at the Thieves. He flinched at the rage Akira was spitting. "I never said-"

"Bullshit. If you want to solve these damn cases you better be ready to involve us. This place is home for us, and I'll be damned if we're just gonna sit by and watch as people die." He couldn't stop now, not even with everyone in the room cowering under his intense gaze. "I didn't die just to let some country bumpkin try and save the day."

"Who the hell do you think you are?" It was clear Yu was afraid of the shorter boy, especially his intense glare.

"We're the Phantom Thieves."

[Author's Note! Sorry for the short part, this was just a filler to introduce Morgana to the story. I promise the parts after this one are much longer. Thanks for reading!] 

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