Deja Yu

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The teacher had been going through the rules at Hashi when an announcement came over the speakers. Yu relaxed in his seat a little.

"All students and teachers please report to the auditorium for an emergency assembly. I repeat, all students and teachers...."
Yu tuned out the rest of the announcement. He turned to Yosuke with a slightly puzzled look. "It's oddly similar to my first day at Yasogami..." He recalled the first day he had transferred, when there was the horrible murder.

"Oh, I was thinking the same thing." Chie chimed in. "It's so weird. Like bad luck follows us wherever we go." They all stood and walked outside of the room. Yu ended up falling in pace with Kurusu, the slightly shorter boy keeping his eyes ahead. He had seemed friendly back in the room, but now the boy had this odd air of seriousness and determination. What a change in personality!

The students all filtered into the auditorium. There was some chaos, so while Yu wanted to sit next to Yosuke and Chie, he ended up between Sakamoto Ryuji and Takeba Yukari. Takeba looked a little uncomfortable next to both Yu and Niijima Makoto, and Yu couldn't blame her. All of the group, Thieves, they called themselves, gave off powerful energy, but Niijima seemed as if she could kill with a single glare. Yu heard Takeba ask Niijima a few awkward questions before the gray girl shook her head.

"Thank you all for coming so quickly." The headmaster was standing on the stage, gesturing for the students to quiet down. "I hate to start the school year off like this, but we must warn you to please stay out of trouble with these rumored cult members. If you see anyone suspicious, report it to the police immediately."

The students buzzed with conversation, but the headmaster held up his hand again. "The reason we have brought this to your attention is because a first-year was found dead this morning."

The auditorium exploded with varying degrees of wails, anger, and shock. Yu himself felt numb. His head spun with this new information. Why did it always happen to me? God, he hoped that he wouldn't have to go through this school year like last time. Sakamoto beside him seemed to be one of the angry ones, though Yu noticed with some suspicion that small sparks of electricity were bouncing around the boy. How odd. Yu shook his head. Must be an illusion from his crazy thoughts.

"Please return to your dorms for the time being. You will have tomorrow off as well, while we work on fixing this issue." The headmaster bowed, and the students were released.

Yu could feel the waves of anger washing off of Sakamoto as the transfer students walked back through the hallways. Kurusu could too, since he finally turned around to stop the boy when all the other students were gone.


"I can't understand what's happening, Akira!" Sakamoto stopped, slamming his fist into the wall in rage. "What did we get, four months of peace before trouble returned?!" His voice was filled with anger, yes, but there was a deep note of fear. Yu stopped behind them, watching this all play out.

"We got what we could, ok? We just have to deal with life as it is right now." Kurusu was trying hard to soothe the anger, but his own voice was tight and controlled. Why were they so angry? "We have each other and that's what matters."

"It just feels like all that we did was for nothing. We beat Yaldabaoth, so what?" Sakamoto instantly covered his mouth with his hands. Yu felt confused. Who the hell was Yaldabaoth? Did it have something to do with why they were so mad? True, Yu felt upset himself. The Investigation Team had already solved the case of murders back in Inaba, and he wasn't keen on having to do it again. But this behavior was odd.

"What are you guys talking about?" Naoto spoke up, her sharp blue eyes casting their cold glare on the Thieves. "Yaldabaoth? The God of Control?" God of control? Yu felt a shiver run through him. The Thieves had defeated a god? He was impressed, though by no means would he be starstruck. The Investigation Team had taken down gods as well and they didn't receive so much as a thank you.

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