Return to Tatsumi Port

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It took way too much willpower to keep Ryuji firmly planted in his bus seat after so many hours, even with Akira holding his thigh in an iron grip since he started getting fidgety. He needed to move, get up, do something before he lost his mind. It did help that they were on the school trip though, though that excitement only added to his desire to run around like mad. And almost everyone else was busy with school work that he had supposedly forgotten to take, so if he did start running up and down the aisles, he'd probably get put in a choke hold by Makoto.

"Ryuji, dude, I can feel you vibrating from here." Yosuke stuck his head between the seats, glancing from Ryuji to Akira and back. "Hey, whatcha reading Akira?" The black haired teen came back to earth, his dark eyes flickering back to life. He looked up, noticing that he had been asked a question.

"Oh, it's a book on Greek mythology. After some deliberation, the others and I came to the conclusion that the master behind it all is some god." He thumbed through a few pages, stopping on a description of a snake named Python. Ryuji quickly skimmed the page, before Akira flipped to one about Medusa. "I had a few hunches, but that's all I'm hinging on at the moment. Minato is looking at other books too."

Ryuji pursed his mouth. "I can't believe you guys are doing work when we're on a trip." He sat back, running his fingers through his hair. He noticed how his roots were growing in again, irritation sparking through him. "Damn."

Yosuke leaned around the other side of the seat, holding up a paper schedule. "It looks like there's going to be a ton of lectures the first day." There was no way to keep the groan out of Ryuji's voice. "But, then day two is a tour around, day three is a free day, and then we go home."

Rise appeared out of nowhere, catapulting into Yosuke's side. "I know exactly where we can go on the free day! There's this club called Escapade-"

"Absolutely not, do you not remember what happened last time?" Yosuke harshly nudged Rise, the idol huffing irritably. The hell? "I was the one who had to carry Yu back to the hotel." Despite his words, Yosuke didn't sound too upset about it. Ryuji snickered to himself. He'd never pass up that opportunity.

Junpei jumped up from a few rows ahead, balancing on the top of the seat in front of him. "There it is! Tatsumi Port!" Ryuji leaned over Akira, pressing his hands to the window to look. They were crossing over the bridge to the island now, and it was quite breathtaking. The water around them was a shimmering blue, and the island looked clean and tidy. Ryuji sat back before leaping from his seat and bouncing in the aisle.

"We're finally here!"

Ryuji darted from window to window as they approached the school. Gekkoukan was a lot bigger than he thought, even bigger than Shujin. He looked over at Junpei and Minato, seeing if they were excited too. The nervousness on their faces was completely out of the ordinary, and looking around the bus saw the same look on everyone else in S.E.E.S.

Mitsuru sighed and looked at Ryuji with an apologetic look. "We...well this is the first time we've been back to Gekkoukan with Minato, and the last time that happened..."

"The world almost ended." Minato was tugging at his blue hair irritably, his fingers winding into the strands. "Though I doubt it'll happen again, with him being me and all."

The robot girl, Aigis stood from beside Minato. "Even if anything were to happen, I would be able to protect you." She bowed before sitting back down. Ryuji found Aigis rather interesting, as the girl would constantly be by Minato's side any chance she got. Does she like him?

Before Ryuji could consider the matter further, Mrs. Tori stood up at the very front. "When we go into the school, I expect everyone to be on their best behavior. Now if everyone could get off the bus in an orderly fashion please." Ryuji shuffled into the aisle, standing behind Aigis as the students made their way off.

Minato mumbled something softly, and if Ryuji hadn't been so close, he would have missed it.

"I want to go back on top of the roof." 

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