Doctor Death

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Akira was tasked with carrying Minato back to the dorms, since Yu was busy helping students get back home along with the rest of the Investigation Team. Without the gray haired teen helping them back through the TV world, he and his Thieves had to trudge all the way back to the dorms on foot. Luckily they wouldn't have to walk through the city at all, though Akira wished he could have some sort of light along these dirt paths.

Minato being completely limp wasn't helping in the slightest. He kept making soft groans as he bumped along in Akira's arms, and he knew that if the blue haired boy could speak he'd be chewing Akira out.

"Kira, I don't think we can take him to the dorms. How do you explain why we've got someone who's completely limp?" Ryuji walked next to Akira, causing the thief to slow down a bit as he thought. "All three of you need medical attention as soon as possible."

Akira stopped walking and looked down at Minato, who managed to knit his mouth into a scowl. He bit his lip, thinking hard. It was true that he almost died tonight, but Minato was the worst off. "Let's go meet back up at the dorms for just a moment or two before we go to Leblanc and Takemi. She won't ask questions." There was another groan from Minato as Akira started walking, causing the thief to roll his eyes. "Relax, I go to her for all of my medical needs. It's all legal."

Kouji was waiting for them at the top of the stairs when they got back to the dorms. Shit. The third year was tapping his foot irritably, arms crossed over his chest. His piercing green eyes stared right through Akira's soul as his high pitched voice rang out.

"And where have you been?"

"Daisuko's party. Minato passed out." Akira shifted his arms, and thankfully the blue haired boy stayed silent. "Sorry we kinda snuck out." Kouji let them through, pestering them about telling him when they go out, not staying out too late, just rambling about being worried about the transfer students in general. Akira kept apologizing, setting Minato down on a couch in the common room.

Yu and the Investigation Team snuck in right after Kouji returned to his room, gathering in the common room to discuss the limp figure of Minato. "Obviously we can't take him to the nurse. How do we explain why we have a limp noodle who is otherwise fine?"

"We talked about that." Akira ignored Minato's halfhearted hiss of resentment. "There's a doctor over in Yongen. She treated us thieves last year, without asking too many questions." He glared at Minato, who managed to return the fierce look. "We'd have to take the train though..."

Akira couldn't quite remember how they managed to get into this mess. All of the transfer students packed into one train car, Minato stuck under Yu's shirt to hide the fact that they were transporting a half dead, very upset twink to Yongen. The train ride was awful, the only thing making it tolerable was the fact that Akira was squished up against Ryuji, and the warmth of his space heater of a boyfriend made it slightly better.

The transfers exploded from the train, stumbling towards Yongen in a large, misshapen group. Akira led the way before realizing that a shit ton of students wouldn't fit in Takemi's office. "Hey, let's go to Leblanc first. Sojiro can look after a bunch of teenagers until us leaders can get Minato taken care of." He nodded his head at Ryuji, silently asking him to lead everyone else to the cafe.

The three leaders walked into Takemi's office, the doctor's deadly brown eyes flicking up at them. Right before Akira could even think of how to explain what was happening, Yu let out a sharp screech. A moment later he dropped Minato, the boy falling to the ground with a muffled thud. Akira looked at both of them, completely unsure as to what just happened.

"Minato bit me."

"And it tasted like shit." Minato's voice was more scratches than words, and based on the pain etched in his face, it hurt to even speak. He still couldn't move the rest of his body, but he must have been recovering if he was able to bite Yu.

"So do you want to tell me who these two are and why there's a pile of bones in my floor?" Takemi was standing over Minato, tapping her clipboard on her temple. Akira flinched at her tone, but he managed to find his voice as he stooped down to pick up Minato.

"Remember how I transferred back after last year? Well I ended up transferring again, this time to a school here in Tokyo. I might have gotten into some trouble with these two." Akira eventually got Minato's arm over his shoulders, holding him up. "He's pushed himself to his limit, both physically and mentally."

Takemi rolled her eyes and opened the door to the exam room. "Let me have a look at him. And you two as well." Her eyes traced them as they filed in, Akira setting Minato down on the bed. The doctor busied herself investigating Minato, poking and prodding him despite his protests. "His throat is torn to shreds, and it feels like he strained his diaphragm. Not sure how he did that, but aside from some minor cuts and bruises, he's fine."

She turned to look at Yu and Akira, both boys feeling small under her glare. "Let me observe you as well. That burn on your arm is suspicious." She grabbed his wrist, inspecting the red skin from Minato's flames. "It's giving off a lot of heat, like it's still on fire." Takemi carefully treated it, wrapping the wound up before moving onto Yu.

The taller boy flinched at having his hand grabbed. Looking closer, Akira could see that at the tips of his fingers were fine red lines, ones that crackled over his first few knuckles like lightning. Wait, lightning?

"I don't want to know how you got lightning scars on the tips of your fingers. I can't do much to treat them since they're healed." Takemi clicked her tongue at the two, then turned her attention back to Minato. She pulled a strange looking liquid from a cabinet and handed it to Minato. The very tired boy managed to drink it before letting out a strangled cough.

"My throat..." His voice sounded clearer now, far less scratchy and more like his normal monotone self. He coughed again, then stood slowly. He stretched his joints out carefully. "I have no idea what you did, and I think I'm going to blame witchcraft. Regardless I feel better, so I won't question it. Thank you."

"I won't charge you for this visit, just know that I'll always be open for you to come get medicine and treatment for things like this." Takemi waved them away. "I'm sure I'll see you around later."

The three leaders left the doctor's office, Akira stopping on the steps. "Guys." His gaze fell to his feet, thoughts storming through his head. The other two turned back to look at him, their gray eyes tracing his face. He matched their stares with his own, fire starting to burn in his throat. He clenched his fists. "This...whole thing. With the Chaos Realm, and the Acolytes, and Apophis. There was a doubt I had, that we weren't strong enough for this job. Even if I was some big talking hotshot earlier in the year, deep down I knew I couldn't do this on my own." He took a deep breath, arms starting to shake. "But, even if I don't think we're strong enough, I have to at least try. We have to at least try. Because no one else can do this, no one else can stop Apophis."

"I agree." Yu turned his sharp eyes up. "That knowledge that no one else can help, that we're the only ones able to do anything, that drove us last year. It drives us now. And I know, even when things are bleak, we're the kind of people who will get back up no matter what, we'll be back to make our stand."

"Willpower. That's something that the gods we fought continually missed. They miscalculated our desire to fight back with everything we have." Minato's fingers fidgeted with the clasp on his holster, the rhythmic clicking rather soothing. "Apophis is making that mistake now. He does not understand that power, that denial of fate and destiny. We are the wild cards. And we do not bow to anyone." 

Welcome To Hashi High: A Persona 3, 4, and 5 CrossoverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora