Not waiting for him I start running for the woods. The problem with this damn place is that's it's surrounded by two hectares of just forest. Like why the hell do you need so much it's not even the castle just a mansion.

"WINTER WAIT," He growls angrily.

"To late," I mumble.

"Everyone stops her," he yells. I don't have to turn to know that they all shifted and are the chasing after me. The thing is we're faster then them. After forty minutes I'm already almost through the forest. They aren't far behind it's alright because I plan to lose them.

Speeding up I focus on what's in front of me. These pass days I would go on walks to get to know this place better. I've seen the old maps so I know where I'm going.

I hear the water fall and smile knowing that once I'm over this they won't be able to find me. The river was thirty feet wide, these wolves may be stronger right now but what I'm about to do they couldn't do it in their wildest dreams.

Not stopping I push down on the earth and turn some of them stop in their tracks. Others attempt to do it but they fall right into the river.


I turn continuing to run knowing that Wayland and August are probably close and they might be able to make it over.

I stay close to the river after a while I jump in making sure to wash away my scent. I let the currants go with me for a while before getting out.

I run for another hour before making it to the late where Kennedy left the bag. I quickly shift back and open the bag finding a new computer, phone, and some cash.

"Thank you Kennedy,"

I take the back pack and put it on. The pool is a two weeks run from here. I don't plan on running there I have a contact in Tara who can get me a car there fast and undetected.

After walking for two hours, I shirt and run for another ten before I finally make it. Everyone around was minding their business and doing their own thing.

The city was awake and just getting started. I make my way to Lovers' I club I've been to many times before. Knocking on the door six times, I stop count to four then know three stop count to eight then knock once.

The door opens to show the man I was looking for," Dylan hi,"

"Hello Rosie," I hug him then go inside," you're early?"


"Two years ago you sent me an email saying you would need my help. I was actually expecting you tomorrow but your early, don't worry though I have what you need,"

"Thank you,"

"Your welcome, I'm going to grab my jacket. You can change in my office then we can be off," making to his office I quickly change then change my appearance. Now I had red hear, blue eyes, my skin was so pale it would make Bella Swan's husbad look tan compared to me. I was wearing some black thigh high boots, some red leather shorts and tank top and jacket.

He came in twenty minutes later. He took my arm in his and we made out way to his car out back. We drove to his house which lucky wasn't to close to the city. I don't like the idea of sleeping in the heart of Tara, knowing them they probably already have all their people looking for me.

We get inside his house and he hands me my bag. Going to this office we sit down while he types something's on his computer.

Dylan and I became great friends after the first time we meet at the club. His mate and I are really close, he's one of the rare ones that doesn't like me for what I have or my name.

"When do I leave?"

"In about fifteen minutes. The plane will be here soon. It won't bring you the Yerit (year it) directly but make some stops. Each stop there will be someone getting off you'll get off wherever you would like.

"From there I know know that you can figure something out."

"Thank you," I smile at him. Not long after the plan lands and I've changed again. This time back into what I was wearing but my mask is on.

Once inside there were eight other people. They were dresses like me, I made sure to have them so if Wayland does figure out where I am they could distract him.

The plan took off and after hour the first person got off, each couple hours after that someone got off. I got off the seventh time, I was now a three days run away from Yetis, and away from the pool.

The first time I did once there was get me damn coat cause this place was cold. Once I got that I went to my cabin their which no one knows about, not even my father.

Draven POV

"She's almost there," Quentin tells me.

"Good, once she's finish bring her to me. Don't be stupid and do something else or I kill your little mate,"

"Of course my King," I hang up the phone.

"Couple more hours and then you'll be with me my dear.

So this is not a mistake. I didn't like Chapter 50 so I rewrote it. It was chapter 50 something big needed to happen so here you go.

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