Chapter 34 ~ Nothing

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Kat wondered the hallways of the school. "Can't believe it's the last week of school before winter break," she commented, hearing the girl beside her make a small noise in reply. Kat glanced over her shoulder, watching Amber's solemn expression observe the school. "You okay?" She added afterwards.

Amber jolted a bit in surprise, "Yeah of course, why wouldn't I be?" The answer seemed too sugarcoated. Amber knew that, she rolled her eyes, sighing deeply. "Yeah, something happened. but it's fine-I'm kind of sorting things out," she explained with little interest in her voice.

Katherine knew well enough that Amber and her were not anywhere near as good as friends as they used to be earlier in the school year, let alone could Kat ask what was wrong. She wanted to, but it was better to nod along to the words like music. Amber paused, motioning for Kat to follow. She leaned up against the locker bank, continuing with her thought, "If I tell you, will you not take this the wrong way?" she asked hopeful.

"Yeah, I guess," Kat shrugged softly, leaning up against the lockers opposite from Amber.

She cringed a bit, "I slept with Collin."

Maybe she assumed Kat would be upset and surprisingly she was, just a little bit. She knew she was upset when her features became a reaction and not just a gesture. Her lips parted slightly, eyes gazed down to the tiles of the school then back to face Amber with a more forced smile. "Of course I'm not mad. Besides, we're not anything to be like possessive over," she laughed a bit at the end, "Don't worry about it."

"Really?" she wondered aloud. "It honestly wasn't anything."

"Neither are Collin and I." But a small part of her wanted to be, she'd assumed it was the rush of it all, the adrenaline it supplied her. The desires of a boyfriend were like wanting the shadow of Shaydon to disappear and become an actual living presence, impossible.

Amber wasn't convinced, she bit her lip tentatively, "Are you sure? Because you two seem different than any of the girls he's been with-And I'm not saying that I know him personally, but what I hear from Bianca," Amber explained wearily, tilting her chin down, looking up through her eyelashes.

Kat tensed at the mention of Bianca, not because she was a hated person in the school, but the idea of her reaction to her and Collin. Katherine continued with the statement, curiously, "What do you mean by that?"

"Oh, you know, he's never really friends with them, like you two are like great friends, hit it off, kinda cute-"

"Shut up."

"Well anyway, thank you for not being too mad." Amber grinned sweetly.

Kat nodded slowly, "Of course." Before she could continue, an arm slipped around her shoulders, leaning upon her. She shifted to face Reese, a goofy smile across his face.

"Did I happen to walk in on a conversation about potential hotties?" he asked hopefully.

Kat was taken back, a bit baffled, "No...?"

"Damn," Reese cursed, shaking his a head with a bit of disappointment. "Whatever-" His arms slipped away from Kat as he gave one last nod, turning to the hallway, only to have his forearm grasped back to face the two girls.

"Continue?" Kat challenged. "Besides, don't you already have a hottie?"

He stifled a laugh, talking in a matter of fact tone. "If you're referring to the most crushable and likeable person known as Montgomery, then no. If I did, I would be bragging right about now," he mocked, sighing in frustration and leaning all his weight on one foot, "What about you and the infamous fuckboy?"

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