Chapter 12 ~ So Beautiful

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She forced the chair up from underneath her, standing up with arms outstretched, a wide grin on her face, "Oh, I missed you so much!" she exclaimed happily, proceeding towards Katherine, trapping her in a hug that Katherine didn't return. Instead, she pulled back, retrieving to the open space, eyes darting towards her mom, who impatiently stood beside the dinner table. Trevor stomping his feet, jumping up and down, swinging his arms.

"The family is together!" he bellowed, grabbing at Katherine's wrist and tugging her towards the car seat left on the floor alongside the table. There inside, was a young infant sound asleep. His knuckles curled around each other lazily while Trevor pointed. "I got to hold, Robin."

Katherine forced a smile, "That's great!" she whispered quietly, then stood up, his grip releasing around her wrist. She faced Alice, staring her dead in the eyes, "Mom, can I speak to you, preferably alone?" she added at the end, shooting a quick glance in Harlow's direction, before leading the way up the stairs to Alice's bedroom.

Alice shutting the door, "I didn't know she was coming either!" She yelled in a low tone, "So before you go making accusations, she showed up uninvited." Then exhaled a deep breath. "How was the trip? Did you like it? I have so many questions," she laughed, walking over to the bed and sitting down at the edge, tapping the spot next to her, motioning for Katherine to have a seat.

Reluctantly, Katherine started making her way, falling to the seat beside her mom, "It was great, we hung out by a fire, went swimming, and even rode around in the jeep. It was a lot fun," she explained, trying to be short, sweet, and PG. 

Her mother grinned at the small conversation, "I'm not expecting you to go down and conversate with her, but at least spend like fifteen minutes-"
"Fine, but I'm not promising I'm gonna be the nicest," Katherine warned, forcing herself up, groaning in response. Her legs still sore from the long and tiresome drive. Her mother snapped her a sympathetic gaze.

"Whatever," Alice chuckled, opening the door and heading back outside to greet the guest. Her mother didn't want to seem overly excited that Katherine was nice to her, but deep down, her mind was accelerating. Katherine was accepting the fact that her mother will always be on her side, it was proven to her the day they got into that argument. Alice was expecting them to get into another dispute sometime after she came back, but tried to fill her mind with the possibility that Katherine was starting to understand their peace offering they had silently agreed on.

Harlow was quieting her baby down, rocking the car seat, silently talking to Trevor the entire time. Teaching him the do's and no's with parenthood. Her smile appeared larger at the sight of Kat and Alice decending down the stairs and into the open kitchen. Alice motioning to the fridge, "Is there anything I can get you?" She asked forcing her most welcoming expression, then flashed a quick grin back in Kat's direction, "Harlow only came like a half an hour ago. She had no idea that you went camping..."

Harlow filing in after, "I can help cook something-"

"Oh, no," Alice shook off the idea. "It's fine, besides, I could just make liked grilled cheese or something. You aren't staying long, correct?" Alice wondered aloud, watching as the defeat casted upon Harlow's eyes.

She released a small noise in agreement, seating herself on a bar stool, "Yeah, I guess. So, tell me about the camping trip? Who was it with?"

"Spencer Montgomery-"
"You went on that camping trip?" Harlow questioned clearly stunned. Eyes shooting to Alice in complete shock that she would allow something like that. "Mom, have you ever-"

Alice exhaled sharply, "Harlow, I am aware that the camping trip was a big deal in the school, I remember you wanting to go, but you were never invited." 

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