Chapter 25 ~ Teacher's Pet

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"Hey!" Spencer exclaimed, "I'm glad to see you guys made it." He looked in between Alex and Katherine, a smile widening on his face, "The fundraiser's gonna start in an hour, but while we're waiting could you guys just fold the shirts over there?" He motioned to the clothes laid out on the table. "When the students start coming you can use the register over here for the change," he explained, then gazed over to the door as Reese entered. His face lit up, walking over. "Hey Ree," he murmured, pulling Reese into a hug, while Reese attempted to wriggle out of his grasp through laughter.

"Stop," he chuckled, cheeks blazing red out of embarrassment. His hands placed on Spencer's chest. Pecking his lips with a kiss, speaking something to him out of reach from Kat's and Alex's ears.

Alex glared at them from behind the table as she angrily folded the shirts, "What do you think they're talking about?"

Katherine eyed her suspiciously, "Probably Spencer said, I'm not gay and totally into Alex?" she suggested sarcastically, then flashed her a warning gaze, "What do you think?"

Alex rolled her eyes with a scoff, "I don't know, I just can't believe Reese would do this. Right in front of me at that! Makes me sick," she admitted, folding another shirt in unison with Katherine.

Katherine's eyes rolled to the back of her head as her hands moved in rhythm, folding each individual shirt. "Would you seriously be so mad if Spencer actually liked Reese rather than you? Or would it be worse if he fell for some random girl?"

"No," Alex answered, "It would be worse if he fell for Reese, imagine how awkward things would be, I mean, that day you went off and helped the f-boy-"
Katherine nonchalantly interrupted her, "He has a name."

Alex stifled a laugh, "Since when have you started defending his ass?" But Katherine chose to not answer, in fact, an awkward silence was bestowed upon them, making folding shirts even more irritable. Alex sighing and then continuing, "As I was saying... That day you left me alone with everybody. Awkward, I hated not having you by my side. I mean, how long does it take for you to drive him back to his house?" she asked innocently.

"Oh you know, I had to help him sort things out with the people taking his car," she explained through the lie. Her voice not faltering a bit. Her eyes lingered up to Spencer and Reese who wandered over to the other sections of the fundraiser, hip to hip, laughing and smiling to themselves.

Alex shot her a glare, "I know right, it's disgusting."
"Are you kidding me right now?" Katherine asked tiredly, facing her with an irritable expression. "Do you honestly think that's what I was thinking about?"

"No," she answered truthfully in reply, "I just hate seeing them together-"

"I will no joke ask to work with somewhere else to avoid you talking about this," Katherine threatened through gritted teeth, piling another shirt onto the already growing stack.

Alex's mouth fell agape, "Are you seriously this mad about what I've been talking about, that you're gonna threaten me?"

"Yeah!" Kat exclaimed quietly, "You're being ridiculous!"
"I'm being ridiculous?" Alex repeated dramatically. "Ya know what, you don't have to give me an attitude about it." Kat was continuing to fold the shirts while the tension gradually became more noticeable.

Spencer walked up from behind the both of them, "How's it going?" he asked casually.

"Wonderful," Katherine mused. "You know what, I have to go to the bathroom, can I?"

Spencer raised a brow, "Uh... Sure, no one's stopping you," he muttered with a worrying glance across his face. Katherine jolted from her position, lunging off towards the door. Alex's eyes running a million miles after her, the longing gaze remained. Spencer scanned Alex, before nonchalantly heading towards the door after Katherine.

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