Chapter 10 ~ Regret

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Amber cocked her head, throwing down a green eight, "Uno."

Katherine peered over the deck of cards, retrieving one and motioning for Alex to go. She sent a sharp look at Bianca placing down the card that skips her and goes straight to Amber. Who groaned, rolling her eyes and picking up another card.

"Damn," Collin mused, the door to the outside of the cabin falling shut behind him. "Four hot girls playing a card game. Now, if only the winner and the loser made out, I'll join," he smirked, retrieving a huff of anger from Bianca. He shot her a raised brow, then rested his arm against Amber's chair.

Alex caught sight of him, "Don't you have somewhere to be?" she muttered under her breath, looking up through her eyelashes.

Collin sighed, rolling his eyes, "Wow, and to think I haven't even been the slightest bit of mean to you." He became deep in thought, "Besides complimenting you girls, I've done nothing wrong-"

Katherine shot him a hard look, "In your dreams. Actually, now go," Katherine shooed, receiving a fixated glare that he made in return.

"Wow, remind me to not be nice to you. I didn't even get a thank you-"

Bianca threw her cards down, revealing the numerous blues and reds in her handful. "You did what?" she hollered, "Listen! If you really don't like me then just break up with me already!"

"We broke up! In fact, we weren't even dating!" Collin yelled back, out of breath and in complete despair. She lunged pushing Collin and all that he did was stumble back, letting the shove affect him, "Why are you so mad?"

"All what you do is play with hearts!" she reminded, tears caressing her cheeks.

Collin outstretched his arm towards the outside of the cabin, "I'm not the player! If you really wanted one, go to Indy! I'm just the f-boy, I don't date! Accept it and move on! You meant literally nothing to me!" he deadpanned, her shoulders dropped, now a stream of tears running down her cheeks. She swung around, sauntering to the door. No body dared to move. Collin called after, "Bianca-"

Her voice echoed in the hallway, "Don't bother!" She disappeared into the bedroom and slammed the door shut so harshly, they flinched preparing it to fall off the hinges

Collin's head fell back as he stumbled into the nearby couch, planting a seat, "Well that went unexpected."

Katherine closed her eyes, placing her cards down, "I'll be back-"
Alex shot a deranged look, "Are you crazy? Are you seriously gonna bother-"

Katherine ignored, standing up anyway, only to see Collin plaster a confused expression on his face, "Yeah, I agree. She does this like a million times a day-"

"She actually looked upset," protested Katherine, in complete dianal, but Collin was persistent, shaking his head, falling back into the seat.

Using air quotes, he spoke back to Katherine hoping to knock some sense into her, "This is our tenth breakup this month, alone."

Katherine widened her eyes, sarcastically speaking back to the guy, "I have a crazy idea. Why don't you actually call it off with her-"

"She's hot."

Katherine was taken back, lips parted. "For a spit second I actually felt sympathy for you. You do realize that girls are not just-"

Collin groaned, interrupting her lecture, "Oh my God. In the next five minutes you'll be talking about your voting rights." He leapt up from the couch, "Who do you think I am? Cause please, if I'm offending you, help yourself to walk right out of this Goddamn cabin. I'm allowed to say anything, freedom of speech. I'm allowed to do anything. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean that there isn't a girl who doesn't."

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