Chapter 23 ~ For Good

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Katherine sat on her hands and knees, back arched and stiffening. Her arm feeling too heavy to hold any longer. "Why do students do this?" she pondered with the thought, continuing to scrape underneath the desk for any old gum pressed to the surface.

Frankie groaned in reply, "You're telling me," she scoffed. "You two being absent extended our volunteer work an extra four days. So, thank you for that," she muttered sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "Anyway, did you hear the rumors?"

Collin's eyes drifted towards her, then back down, "And, what could that be?'

"That Spencer Montgomery is gay-"

"The reason we are here is all because you assumed Spencer and I were dating," Katherine argued. "When are you gonna learn to mind your own damn business sometimes!" she shuddered, turning back to the desk and digging into the gum, plastered underneath. 

Frankie shrugged, "Well, it's not my fault other people have intriguing lives, I just like to be in the know," she grumble beneath her breath, giving a shrug of her shoulders. Katherine was tempted to rub it in her face that her best friend slept with her boyfriend, making a comeback like 'were you in the know then?'

Although she warded off the idea, slouching back on her spot on the floor. Choosing to be silent, shooting a glance with Collin before turning back to the desk she sat in front of. Katherine plucked at the gum some more before the door to the classroom opened, the three students shooting their heads up to Principal Peterson.

"I think you guys did enough work today. Go wash your hands and head home," he announced. 

"Oh, thank you so much!" Frankie exclaimed happily, pushing herself off the ground, passing her scraper over to Mr.Peterson and exiting the classroom.

Collin and Katherine doing the same, but Mr.Peterson called after them, the door only a creak open. "I'll see you guys tomorrow after school."

"Bye," Katherine left, rolling her eyes, walking side by side with Collin. "My God, at least we're done for the day," she murmured, trying to be optimistic, although she just got a questioning glance from Collin as he watched her tired expression.

"My car should be getting out of the shop soon," he muttered.

Katherine glanced up, "That's good news." She smiled brightly, fixing her backpack strap more comfortably on her shoulder. Collin's eyes lingering down her body for a moment, then retreating back to the hallway before them.

Collin ran a hand through his blonde hair, "Ya know," he started, changing the subject. "We could always go back to my place and hang?" He gave a cheeky grin.

"And by hang you mean..." Her voice trailed off as he forced a smirk, she rolled her eyes. "That is where I draw the line."

He laughed, the sound like a song to Katherine's ears, she hadn't heard him laugh like that, and when he did, he was half drunk. 

"I love it when you reject me," he bragged, watching while Katherine shot him a glare in curiosity, wanting him to elaborate, but he never did.

"Oh, hey," Spencer greeted, walking alongside Reese, "What are you guys doing here?"

"The volunteer work," Katherine reminded and Spencer scrunched his nose, furrowing his brows.

"Yikes," he mumbled, "Reese and I were just at Mrs.Grimaldi's extra help," he replied back with a bit of hesitation. "You two okay?" he gestured to the two of them, as they nodded.

Collin shooting Katherine a quick look down, before facing Spencer and Reese, but before he could reply, Katherine cut in. "I'm sorry about missing the party-"

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