Chapter 20 ~ Cluttered

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"Too much?" Katherine bit her bottom lip, gnawing anxiously as she waited. "Come on, I need to hear your opinion. I don't know what to do, I'm at a loss-"

"Well," Amber exhaled a deep sigh. "I don't think you should worry about what Indy posted. It may've only been a few people... Regardless, what he did was wrong, but I think you are in the clear, nobody is talking about it. However, if word gets out about the Alex situation, Frankie may take it out on you. She could possibly think it was your plan." she suggested. 

Amber continuing through the phone. "As for Collin. He'll be fine, he could've just been getting nice to hopefully sleep with you and if he did actually care about you, he would understand that it was an honest mistake. If he can't handle that, then I think you have your answer," Amber simplified.

"Oh my God, Amber, you are such a life saver," she breathed out. "I have no idea what I would do without you."

"Probably have a cluttered mind, other than that, I didn't really do much besides give my two sense," she explained wearily, not seeing how big she impacted things for Kat.

"Seriously Amber, you did wonders!" she happily responded. "I should go, I have to clean my bedroom before my mom gets back from work," Katherine explained, eying the mess of clothes scattering her floor to the litter of papers on her desk.

Amber chuckling, "Okay, have fun!" she teased playfully. "Call me if you need me!"

"Bye!" Katherine rolled her eyes laughing.

"Bye." The phone beeped and she dropped it by her bed, staring at the room with a look of determination. She started towards the dresser, bringing a bunch of small nick knacks off and onto the bed to clean. Wandering over to her mirror, staring at her reflection. Closing her eyes and imagining not too long ago, where she stood in front of a similar mirror.

"This is.-" Benji started, surveying the clean bedroom, only the slightest of unkept.

"Painful," Katherine finished, fingertips grazing up against the glass, "No wonder Annmarie didn't want to come in here. It feels... Eerie," she concluded. Her eyes lingered onto a bookshelf, spotting some scrap book looking object, she pulled it out from it's spot. "Oh my God! I remember when we made this!" she motioned for Benji to follow her. He did so, climbing onto the bed after, seating beside her. She turned to look at the first page, the big bold letters, of KEEP OUT written. 

Katherine chuckled softly, her fingertips grazing up against each picture. From the first few photos of when it was just the two of them, to him becoming best friends with Benji, to them becoming a polyamorous relationship. Each photo had meant something, bringing back a flood of memories and emotions. Tears glossing both of their eyes. 

"Shit," Katherine breathed out. "I miss him so much."

Benji nodded slowly, watching as Katherine turned the page, revealing Shaydon's favorite picture of all time. Benji and Katherine making out. Benji choked out a sob, hand covering his mouth as he stepped from the bed, walking over to behind his desk, falling to his knees. 

"Kat! We were right here!" he cried, Katherine pushing the book aside and walking over to see Benji's head shoved into his hands, only to release himself, pointing straight across from him. "That right there is where he sat! We played truth or dare and he dared us to kiss so he could take a picture! He was embarrassed and nervous! He was scared we would get mad at him!" Tears pooling in his eyes, the words hiccuping out. "And we made out. I remember everything..."


"Truth or dare, Kat?" Shaydon sent a mischievous smirk her way.

Rolling her eyes and cocking her head to the side, "I choose dare," she stated, awaiting the task that was going to be ordered. Although, Shaydon became instantly shy, nervous, staring down into his lap, avoiding any chance of eye contact. His hands wrung together painfully, biting his lower lip.

"I dare you to make out with Benji and let me take a picture," he murmured, then snapped his head up. "You don't have to-I mean, I know it sounds bad and I know you're gay, but I-"

The two people who swore to make Shaydon always happy, complied easily. Benji's teeth pulling back on his bottom lip, "Shay, baby- It's okay... We don't mind," he quietly spoke, turning to face Katherine. They looked into each other's eyes. No, they weren't attracted to each other, but no doubt in their mind's they loved each other so much. The feeling of pure bliss that they got to relate to the same admiration they felt towards Shaydon.

Benji slowly leaned forward gently connecting their lips, the tingling sensation burning on the flesh as they abused one another through the passionate kiss. Moving in rhythm, giving small love bites, Benji trailing his lips lower beneath Kat's lips, only to pull away after pecking one last time. The both of them attempted to make it has passionate as possible, but when they both faced Shay, the camera was loosely held in his hands, eyes staring at the two of them, breath coming in low heated pants.

Katherine raising a brow playfully, "Did you take a picture?"

Shaydon jumped, "Oh God, that would've been a nice thing to do," he admitted shyly, placing the camera down in defeat. The smile never faltering. 

"Oh well," Benji murmured. "I guess we're gonna have to kiss again," he smirked, giving a suggestive glance towards Shay.

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