Chapter 28 ~ Dumb B*tch

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Katherine panted uncontrollably. His lips trailed a kiss up her jaw, brushing up against her lips. Deepening the kiss, towering over Katherine as her hand scrunched the fabric of his shirt, drawing him closer. Collin groaned, pulling back, taunting her with his lips. "Don't you have to go?" he tormented softly, the smirk growing.

Katherine's breath didn't slow, in fact it came out harsher through her parted lips. Her brunette locks being tangled with his fingers. Her eyes drifted to the clock, but she fell back on the soles of her feet, staring into Collin's blue eyes. "I don't want to," she retorted, "I don't see the point in going..." Her face lit up with excitement. "Wanna ditch?" Her fingertips skimming across his exposed arm. "We can continue this." She gave him puppy dog eyes. "How can you say no?"

Collin's teeth caught his bottom lip, "It's really hard too, but I can't," he released a breath. "I promised Spencer I'll help him with this project and after school we have this tree sale thing that Spencer is hosting with his sister who's back for the holiday... I don't really know. I can ask Spencer, would you wanna join?"

Katherine raised a brow, "No, I'm good." She chuckled in reply, "Alright, I'll see ya-" She went to leave towards the door, advancing out of his grasp, but he caught hold of her forearm and pulled her back. Her breath hitched as she studied the lustful cast in his eyes.

"Did you really think I was done with you yet?" He cocked a brow, giving her no room to breath before pressing his lips roughly up against hers, his hands roaming her body eagerly, traveling down her side. Heat rose from Katherine's stomach, revealing itself through her cheeks, burning under the rosy tint. Her eyes sealed shut as Collin took control over her. Katherine's mind blank, only focusing in on the passionate kiss that they shared. Collin's hands slipping underneath Katherine's thighs, raising her off the ground. 

She gasped, lips parting from his. Eyes fluttering open as Collin placed her down on a nearby desk. His lips moved into a rhythm with hers, creating their own music as he couldn't get close enough. Katherine inhaled sharply, Collin's lips trailing below her jaw. Eyes shut and mind in a daze, his cologne hypnotic, keeping her in a trance. His lips retreated to hers, a wave of warmth flushing over her body, instinctively coiling her arms around his neck, his hands resting on her thighs.

The door opened, Katherine separating from the kiss hastily, creating an unwanted gap between them. Collin's body froze, sighing lowly as his head rose to stare at the figure in the doorway. The raised eyebrow of disturbance crossing his glare. "Hello Reese," he muttered lowly.

Reese's lips parted, jaw falling to the floor as Katherine shamefully licked her lips, sliding off the desk. She held her hands up in surrender, "I can explain, please, just give me the benefit of the doubt-"
"You lied to Alex and I..." he stated, glancing between the both of them. "Funny thing is, I wouldn't have given you a problem about it, but to lie to us," he shook his head disgusted. "I came in here to get my water bottle..." He sauntered into the classroom, walking down the aisle. Katherine standing uncomfortably in the middle of the classroom, hearing his footsteps wander throughout, hearing the bottle accidentally graze up against the desk. The wind tapping on the glass window. Everything seemed too quiet.

Reese was beginning to leave the classroom, when Katherine called after him, "Reese, please I'm sorry-"

"Really Kat?" he cocked a brow. "I'm alright," he gave a faint smile and nod of his head, making Katherine sigh of relief in return. The way his eyes looked made her know how sincere he was. "Well, I'll leave you two horny teenagers be... Have fun," he called, placing his hand on the doorknob, then stopping, "But seriously, not too much fun," he shot a look over his shoulder. "Bye, you dumb bitch," he called, then gave Collin a cocky smile, "And you too Kat," he burst out into hysterics, running a hand through his head of hair before opening the door.

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