Chapter 11 ~ Love Triangle

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She stared into the mirror disgusted with herself, muttering out to Alex, "I can't believe it's over." 

She faced Alex's stone like glare. "You can't believe it's over or you can't believe you slept with Collin-"

"Stop. It was an accident, he's Collin. It meant nothing to either of us," she explained sorrowfully, "Most of all, I can't believe Reese ditched us to sleep in Spencer's room for the last two nights... He told you about his birthday, right?" she asked, throwing her clothes into a duffle bag. Alex nodded, folding her shirt, gazing over her shoulder back to Katherine.

"Yeah, you don't think that something is going on between Reese and Spencer, do you?" she asked with a questioning gaze. "I would kill him if there is-"
Katherine shook her head, "You can't blame Reese if he likes somebody. Besides, Spencer could like him too and you would want him to be happy, right?" she asked aloud, furrowing her brows and intending this to come out nicer than it did. "Maybe it's time you move on-"
"Move on?" she repeated, throwing her hands up, flinging the shirt onto the bed, "Spencer has been my crush since the middle school. We're seniors and I just want him to be my boyfriend-"

"Obviously, that's not gonna happen-"
"My God! What happened to being my friend?" Alex shot bitterly, swinging violently back around. "You missed out on a lot after you left! In fact, you missed out on knowing something that I thought you would understand!"

Katherine shook her head, turning around in utter confusion, "What are you talking about-"

"They had sex Saturday night apparently," she explained angrily. "They admitted it was just because they were drunk, but when you're drunk you show your true self. So, what if they admitted they're in love through not being sober and I-Ugh!" Alex was now crying, tears running down her cheeks. "I don't understand! Do you think they may actually like each other or was it just a fling?"

"I don't know," Katherine admitted tiredly, "But I'm here for you. Whether I agree with you liking him or not." Deep inside, silently Katherine wondered if Spencer was actually bisexual, or if he used Reese. She hoped that he didn't willingly become an experiment, but her thoughts were interrupted by Alex's sigh of defeat. 

She nodded with understanding, quickly wiping the tears and changing the subject. "So, who's the better kisser? Collin or Indy?" She cocked her head, "Ya know. No girl has ever kissed both, at least there isn't a rumor about it," she muttered under her breath at the end.

Katherine rolled her eyes, the sound of the zipper across her duffle bag, "Seriously? I mean, yeah. I haven't either-"

Alex intevened with her 'ooh's of excitement before turning back to face Katherine, "So? Who's the better kisser? Spill the deets."

With a short second later, Katherine's eyes sent to the floor, "I don't know. They're both different. But I don't like either of them, I don't want to date, at least not yet. I mean, he just past away-I can't even think about being in a relationship-"
"My God, but you have to admit, the start to that sentence sounded like you were in a love triangle or some shit with Collin and Indy." Her laughter followed, along with Katherine's guilt. 

Her eyes widened, as she attempted to laugh with her. Mumbling out shakily, "Yeah..."

Spencer's voice echoed through the house, "You guys ready?" Quickly retrieving everybody in the cabin to meet up in the living room, duffle bags swung over their shoulders. He gazed in between, "Alright. Slight change in seating arrangement," he explained nervously. "So, Kat and Bianca, can you switch?"

Alex shot a worrying glance to Kat, who nodded slowly. "Yeah, sure."

Spencer gave a nod of approval, "Alright, great!" he nodded, "I can't believe this is the last official cabin trip... We should take one in the summer before we all go off to college," he explained, scanning the cabin, a saddened expression on his face.

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