Chapter 2 ~ Rated R

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The way he said her name to the smug expression he wore, it was all so blatantly obvious. He wanted to make her break, to get her to back down, but that wasn't happening. She laughed softly, removing a strand of russet hair out of her eyes. "Actually, I was hoping you could go. Unless, you don't want to," she beckoned, shooting him a curious glance.

"You're stalling," Collin teased. "It's cute actually." He snickered, returning a sideways glance towards Bianca who traced her lips over his jaw. Rolling his eyes, tempted to keep the brawl going.

Spencer shrugged and intervened, "Come on, Collin," he started, indirectly egging him on to spin the bottle. Collin scoffed pushing Bianca off his lap a little, outstretching his arm and spinning the glass in a circle. Everyone's eyes fixed on the bottle, the rim spinning on past everybody before slowing down to a stop at Amber.

Bianca scoffed and with her obnoxiously high-pitched tone declared, "Um- Sorry, my boyfriend isn't kissing that slut-" 

Amber's breath hitched at the word, eyes darting down to the beer bottle that pointed right at her. "He's not even dating you," she uttered, pushing herself up off her knees. Collin bit his lower lip as he followed after, but Bianca quickly yanked at his forearm.

She protested, "Babe!"

Collin scrunched his nose and studied Amber over his shoulder. "But, I mean... " The way he gnawed on his lip at the mere thought of being in a closet with Amber had Bianca swatting his hand away and crossing her arms in a huff of annoyance. Everyone chuckled lowly as he entered the closet with Amber Nilson.

Spencer cleared his throat once more, raising his cup to the ceiling. "Truth or truth, Benji?" 

Benji's eyes rolled to the back of his head, then faced Spencer. His truths could be extremely inappropriate or too personal for comfort. Benji knowing that, shifted to lean forward. "I don't really have a choice," he admitted, a faint smile toying on his lips.

Spencer gave a stern nod in agreement. "Damn straight." He thought for a moment. "First kiss. Who, when, where, and details?" He gave a devious smirk. "A whole lot of them."

Reese narrowed his eyes at Spencer and hissed, "Perv." The teasing smile left as memory. Spencer shot a laugh in his direction, focusing in on Benji soon after.

Benji traced his teeth against his lip, eyes softening. "Umm..." He eyed Kat nervously, before continuing with hesitance. He knew he should've have told them the truth, instead he should've lied and said it was some foreign guy. However the words slipped freely like a breath of air.

"Shaydon," Benji confirmed. Everyone stared at Kat waiting for her reaction as if she didn't already know prior to the game. "We were at my house last year, studying for a science test. He leaned in and I kissed him back." He concluded, looking to see their uncertain expressions, "We just made out guys, calm down." Everyone shared a small chuckle, vibrating the room before he turned to another player, grateful to get the attention off of him. "Reese, truth or truth?"

Katherine studied Reese while he cocked his head to the side in interest. "Truth."

Her eyes traveled over to another player, Indy, who grinned half-heartedly through the puff of smoke from the blunt in his hand. A trail of smoke blowing off and dissipating into a cloud in the small guest bedroom that they all hung out in.

"Have you ever given somebody a lap dance?" he questioned, a chuckle escaping his lips.

Reese laughed, shaking his head and sarcastically speaking, "Unfortunately, no. Haven't had the pleasure." The group shared a few chuckles while Katherine rolled her eyes at his comment, watching as he shifted towards Indy Davison. "Truth or truth?" In return, Indy cocked a brow, giving a small nod for Reese to continue. "Who is the hottest girl in this group?"

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