Chapter 27 ~ Harold

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Alice smiled brightly watching as her daughter came into view, jogging down the stairs into the kitchen. "Hey Kat, how have you been? Are you done with your homework?"

Kat gave a quick nod, seating herself at a bar stool at the kitchen island. "No, I still have to study and I think I have a bit of science homework... But I was just asking if you're serious about inviting Annmarie over for dinner?" she suggested wearily.

Alice furrowed her brows, retreating to the island across from her daughter, "Well, of course. I think that Annmarie needs a friend right now. Harold too," she exited back towards the stove, watching as the meat sizzled in the pan, filling the room with a strong aroma. Katherine watched as her mother seared the steak, turning around to Katherine's solemn expression.

"I don't want Harold here, you don't understand!" she exclaimed.

Alice cocked her head, "How can I not understand if you don't even give me a chance too, Harold is a good man Kat-"
Katherine leapt off the bar stool aggressively, "You don't get it, do you?" she hollered, Alice's expression going sour. She knew that they were gonna fight again, she had the gut feeling, but she didn't expect it to be this soon. She watched Katherine became raged with anger, "I don't feel comfortable having that man inside this house!"
"Kat, lower your tone!"

Katherine's eyes glossed, "You won't be able to see what I see, that man in that house a block over, is the devil's son! He is so evil that he's made people believe that he's so perfect and an angel! He was the worst person to ever come here-"

"So, he's got a bit of a temper to him, that doesn't make him evil! You don't know evil, Katherine! You don't know it and I'm glad!" she bellowed angrily, flailing her arm towards the door. "You have been guarded in a house that protects you and I don't know why you are so drawn to the bad side of the world! You don't know shit and you should be thankful!"

"Why do you trust Harold more than your own daughter?" Katherine spat, her face relaxing, becoming uneasy. She waited, but there was no reply following. Alice just turned the oven off, throwing the hand towel aggressively onto the counter.

"I don't, it's just-"
"Just that you don't believe me when I say that he's a horrible person. You don't know it! You're oblivious to the monsters that don't snarl!" she beckoned harshly, sending a glare directed at her mother. Pointing her finger to the door, "You can go and spy through the window! He hurts Annmarie! He's done sinful things to Shay!"

"Katherine, just tell me! What the hell is going on in the Alvarez house! If you're right about Harold being a horrible person, you need to tell me what he's done," her voice softened as she stared into her daughter's glossed eyes. Katherine began to shrink back, shaking her head.
"Shaydon told me to never tell anyone. Besides, it's not my secrete to share-"
"You are being ridiculous!" Alice scolded, scoffing through the silence. "You tell me right now Katherine Kennings... Tell me the truth about Harold."

Katherine bit her bottom lip hesitantly, "I can't-"


"I can't, I literally can't-"

"Tell me now!" Alice held her breath, lungs clenching as she waited for the words to be spoken into the world, but Katherine held onto them like it was a greedy treasure.

Her daughter shook her head that fell into her cupped hands helplessly, "Mom, I really want to, but Benji and I were the only people who knew besides Annmarie-"

"Katherine," she started, the conversation becoming quieter. "You can tell me, I promise, I will only be here to understand you," she explained, leaning forward over the counter. Watching as her daughter hesitantly stood, shifting the weight on either of her feet.

"Mom... If I tell you, don't make me regret it-"
"What do you mean? Katherine. Does Harold... Hit Annmarie? Did he hurt Shaydon like that?" The words were like venom on Alice's tongue, she scrunched her nose waiting for Katherine to nod her head, waiting for Katherine to give in and admit it all. Share the gruesome details of the abuse that Annmarie and Shaydon had to endure. But it never came, just a choked out sob escaped Katherine's throat. Painfully releasing as the flashbacks came running into Katherine's memory. Slowly, dragging each picture into view. The flashbacks of tears and sobbing, the pain that Shaydon felt every single day, but he hid it all behind his charismatic smile that even she fell for sometimes. Like the one he gave before he gave it all up.

Katherine was reminded with everything so fast, that her hands shook, jaw clenching, teeth chattering in the build up of fear. Nothing Alice could do, but watch as her daughter painfully faced her fear. Alice couldn't do anything or say something to calm the melancholy that built, pestering inside Katherine who's heart quivered. 

"He never hit Shaydon," she admitted. Alice waiting, holding her breath. "But he's raped him." 

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