Chapter 6 ~ Birds and the Bees

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"Goodbye Shay, I miss you already..." Katherine chuckled, pecking his lips with a small kiss. He returned the favor, looking back with a much more longing gaze. A frown formed at his lips, almost undeniably visible. "You okay?"

Shaydon snapped out of his thought, "Oh, yeah. I just wish you would come, but I'll be okay." he murmured under his breath.

Benji appeared at his side, "I'll look after him for you." Giving a cheesy grin that only Kat adored.

"You better," she confirmed, shooting Shaydon a look. "Don't get hurt, don't do anything you'll regret; With the exception of Benji-"
Shaydon tensed immediately, chilled to the bone that she could just effortlessly add that into a conversation. His nerves boiled inside while he quickly scanned around them, but they just stood outside of Benji's house. Collin, Spencer, Indy, and Bianca were out by the curb next to the jeep.

Shaydon's mind battling with assurance, "Kat, if you aren't okay-"

"I'm absolutely alright. Perfect, even. You boys go have fun. Just don't get caught," she added, smirking at the both of them.

Shaydon gazed over to Benji, the same longing gaze in his eyes. Then turned back to Kat, pulling her into a tight hug unwilling to let go. If it wasn't for Spencer calling the two guys over, would he have ever so easily let go.

"Goodbye babe," she sang sweetly, pushing him lightly in the direction towards the car. Benji went to leave, but she grabbed at his forearm. "You're not leaving without giving me a hug mister," she snapped playfully. Pulling him in, he returned the embrace, chuckling into her ear. Pulling away allowing both to turn around to face Shadyon's lovestruck expression. It was obvious to the both of them how Shaydon felt, he couldn't hide it. Not even when around his friends.

Katherine left memory lane at the sight of Alex's worrisome glance, "You okay?" she shook her head softly, backing up her question with valid evidence. "You were kind of daydreaming there-"
"I'm fine-" Katherine kneeled down on her scratchy rug, shoving her arm under her bed. Patting down the beads of yarn until her fingertips grazed up against the can. She quickly snatched it, falling back, leaning her head up against the wall, popping the can open.

"Kat," Alex warned, the disappointment crossing in her gaze.

"What?" Katherine asked innocently, taking a sip. The bitter warm taste, eased her tension. She relaxed against the wall, "It feels like yesterday when I pushed Shay towards the jeep."

Alex snorted a laugh, attempting to lighten the mood, "I remember that too. You came over and we watched that cheap romcom," she groaned out, throwing her head back. "I was wanting a boyfriend. So, nothing's really changed."

Katherine swallowed her sip, drawing out the words. "Stop," she condemned. "You will find the one-"
"It's senior year Kat. The best I've done was kiss a guy in the seventh grade and he ran away saying I had cooties." Her eyebrows creased into her forehead, challenging her best friend to continue with that.
Katherine shook away the thought, hearing her mother's footsteps marching towards her bedroom door in the distance. She shoved her beer can behind her nightstand out of her mother's sight. A small knock, then the door pushed open.

Alice standing in the doorway with a faint grin, "The jeep's out front."

"Seriously?" Kat cocked a brow, jumping up and sauntering over to the window, throwing the curtains open, revealing the infamous black jeep. Alex's phone buzzed underneath her knee and she picked it up, disclosing the new text message.

Her voice gradually getting louder in excitement, "It's happening!" She laughed mischievously.

Alice shook her head, a smile curved at her lips. "Please girls be safe. Don't do drugs, drink, or do I need to remind you about the birds and the bees-"
"Mom," Kat warned, interrupting her with a smile. "We'll be fine," she assumed, lying quite easily. Because little did anyone really know.

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