Chapter 36 ~ First Party

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"I'm far past crazy," she swung her feet, feeling the cold air brush upon her skin. "Like send me to an asylum."

He cocked his head, taking a long sip of his beer, "It's fine, we're all a little crazy," he mentioned, handing over the glass to Katherine to let her take a sip. The subtle breeze surpassing over her exposed skin, feet dangling off the rooftop. 

She wanted to tell him everything, but she couldn't bring herself to say the words, she felt so comfortable with him, but yet she was scared he was gonna leave. It was all for the sex, her sanity didn't play a role in their relationship. It never did and it never will. Although it didn't matter how crazy she was, she just needed a friend. She had to distance herself from the people that were young, filled with youth, partying, and getting high. It sounded promising right about now.

"Collin?" she started hesitantly, bringing the rim of the beer to her lips. He hummed in response, telling her he was listening, but their eyes stared out over the suburban street. Their legs hung over the roof of the house. They seated themselves, watching the sunset, minimal cars passing down below. "Are we friends?"

He choked on a cough, laughing to himself, sadness penetrating her expression, shaking her head with regret, knowing how stupid it was to ask. But then he replied, "Of course, shorty." He shook his head trying to ignore that question. "We're not just benefits," he admitted. "You know that, right?"

"Yeah." She shrugged it off, "Just... Double checking."

"Double checking?" he repeated, biting his lower lip, eyes roaming her body for a second longer, before taking the beer in his hand and downing a good portion. "Amber said that she told you about her and I sleeping together."

She nodded in reply, avoiding his eyes that she knew were staring at her. "You can sleep with whoever you want, however many you want, I don't care"

"Good," he stated, turning his head back to look at the houses lined in rows. "Cause I've only slept with two people since I've been with you."

She paused, breath being stolen from her. Her heart clenched at the thought, "Y-you mean like three girls with friends with benefits, right?" She turned to face him, but he shook his head, not looking back at her. She narrowed her eyes, "Like two girls with numerous nights-"

"Two nights, two girls, ever since I've been with you," he started with a chuckle, then shrugged afterwards. "Once you're with the best of the best, it's kind of pointless to look back, isn't it?" he suggested wearily, fixing his posture and sitting more comfortably on the rooftop. The sky a dark and murky blue above them, a clean slate sprinkled with stars poking through. 

She didn't know how to reply, she didn't know what he meant by that, so many questions raced in her mind and she second guessed herself, she really wanted to tell him about the situation with Shaydon, she felt like they were connecting in a way they didn't recognize. She felt like she could confront him about it, why would Collin care? But then why wouldn't he?

"Um, Collin?" she began, head bowed down shamefully. Her tone revealed how nervous she sounded, it had caught his attention immediately. "I want to share a secret with you, but you can't slip up or tell anybody-"

"I won't," he asserted in all seriousness, his brows furrowed together, "Katherine," he murmured, scooting closer. Whispering towards her, "What is it?"

She inhaled the fresh hair, cooling her flushed skin, she felt overheated in his black sweatshirt that she wore. "I wasn't the only one who dated Shaydon..." Her heart raced, it was too late to turn back now. "Benji and I were in a three person relationship with him." His grip around her loosened, the coldness pricked at her eyes that refused to blink. Welling up with a pool of tears staining her cheeks, running down her chin and falling from the roof and onto the lawn below.

His tone came out in a mere whisper, "What was that like?" She tilted her chin up at the sound, a smile growing at how sincere he was, genuinely curious and accepting his part in keeping the secret a secret. She chuckled in reply, thinking for a second that felt like a minute, that felt like a flashback of her whole relationship.

"It was beautiful," she expressed, voice fragile. "I was dating Shaydon when he came crying to me one day, he seemed so torn and upset and heartbroken. He cheated on me, but he didn't at the same time. He didn't want one or the other, he wanted the both of us. I don't know." She spoke quietly, feeling a comforting sensation cast over. Her eyes met his in a daze, "Please don't make me regret telling you this."

"I won't," he replied soothingly. "How many people know?"

"Spencer, that's it. They don't know that I told you, but I think it'll be okay." She forced a faint smile, leaning in closer to rest her head on his shoulder, bundling up. His hand coiled around her waist so perfectly, molded to fit. His fingers grazed up along her sides.

"You know, I never actually hated you, although I sure did act like an ass."

"What are you talking about?" she murmured into the crook of his neck, staring at the orange hues that painted the sky.

He sighed in remembrance, "Do you recall your first party, playing that spin the bottle and seven minutes in heaven game?"


"Well, I kept trying to make you go first, because I was hoping that when you spun the bottle, it would land on me. It sounds selfish and creepy."

She shook her head, giggling softly, "No," she objected. "Not at all, Col." 

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