Chapter 21 ~ First Date

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Katherine closed her eyes, tapping her pencil to a drum inside her mind. She scanned the classroom to Collin, who was supposed to be in the class, but was nowhere to be found. She had assumed it was because of things she had said. Her eyes reshut, reluctant to go unnoticed. She leaned back in her chair, opening her eyes to the pencil that she played with.

"Kat?" Mr.Clyde bellowed, raising his brows.

Her head snapped up, skin now bone-white, teeth catching hold of her bottom lip as she observed the board, "Can you repeat the question?" she asked, looking him in the eyes as Mr.Clyde sighed in disappointment, flashing her a forced grin,

"How did Earl Benedict's character change from before the party to after the party?"

Katherine licked her lips, narrowing her eyes, "Well, he uh- didn't change," she corrected. "He had a drastic realization that the love of his life had moved on. When he saw her with his enemy, he felt more broken than angry, making his character transition into a more depressive state. Although, maybe he changed his perspective on love and on Daphne," she explained, clamping her hands together and waiting for a response from the teacher. However, the bored expressions among student's faces became intrigued, all looking over their shoulders, eyeing her suspiciously.

"Very well then," Mr.Clyde mused, "I have to say, that was my best response in all my years of teaching. Kat is correct because at this party, he sees his ex, Daphne, who had already moved on. What does this tell us about the main character?"

Continuing on with calling his next victims at random, Katherine turned back to her desk, settling into a peaceful daze knowing he probably wouldn't call on her for a while after that answer. When the bell rang, she made her way out of the classroom, backpack swung over one shoulder. She pushed open the doors to the girls bathroom, staring at her reflection in the mirror. Her brunette hair ratted at the ends to the hickeys she wore behind them. She attempted to conceal them with makeup, but the purple tint revealed itself.

She slipped her phone out, dialing the number, retreating it to her ear. It rang once, then again. "Hey! This is Collin!" he broke into laughter. "I'm totally either missing your call or ignoring you, have a wonderful day all you lovely jackasses who are calling me! Sorry grandma!" he added, then died of hysterics with a few other people beside him. It was honestly probably a dare, one of which hosted at Spencer Montgomery's parties. 

She sighed, placing the phone down on the counter, eyes traveling back up to her own. She was not sad, since she didn't lose much, but odd enough, she was frustrated and mad at herself. They weren't even that good of friends, she didn't know why she felt the way she did. Maybe it had partly to do with the questioning sorrow that she felt towards Indy, who distanced himself from her all of a sudden after they had sex.

She shoved her phone into the back of her pocket when the girls bathroom opened, her eyes flashing to Bianca, who came walking in, lipstick in hand. "Oh my God, Kat!" she laughed as if they've never met before. "I haven't seen you in a while!"

"Yeah," Katherine uttered, unable to keep her vice bouncy like Bianca.

The girl's shoulders dropped as did her expression. "Kat... Is something wrong? I think I owe you since you helped me." She chuckled gazing into the mirror, reapplying the dark maroon lipstick. "What's bothering you?" She smacked her lips, gaze drifting sideways. 

Katherine sighed, "Did you see what Indy posted? It was a private story-"

Her lips sealed shut, only able to speak two words, "I did." Bianca's lips parted wider, running the lipstick over her lips allowing the color to darken. Smacking her lips  once more and closing the container, "Listen, it doesn't matter-"

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