Chapter 18 ~ Better Kisser

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Katherine froze still, wincing in discomfort at his harsh grip on her wrist. She had assumed it was her cheesy comment she had said, but by the sharp look in his eyes, she got an uneasy feeling travel inside of her.

 "Katherine, who gave you that hickey?" he spoke through gritted teeth.

She jarred in shock, pulling out her phone and holding the camera up to her face, brushing loose tufts of hair aside, revealing the unfamiliar bruise on her neck. Turning bone white as memories of Indy came flooding back into her mind. Her eyes glimpsed back up to meet the frustration in his eyes. She had to think fast, words rambling off her tongue. "You idiot. You did this,"

Collin inched a step closer, Katherine shrunk towards the wall against the staircase, he simply responded, "I didn't touch your neck. You and I both know it would look a lot worse if I did," he remarked, still unhappy with the response, waiting for her to elaborate.

With a scoff, Katherine continued, "You've been all over me since the camping trip, who else could it be?" Collin stilled from the words, his thoughts slowing him down like a freight train through quicksand, but relief had washed over Katherine too soon. Out of nowhere, his hand snapped back to her wrist, dragging her further from the stairs and down a hallway. "Collin!" she whispered lowly. "Slow down!" she stumbled forward in a rush to keep up with his long strides. He glanced into an empty classroom, pushing open the door and trekking inside, yanking Katherine in too.

"Was it Spencer?" he spat in a need of answers.

Katherine's eyes shot open, "No, we barely even kissed-"

He nodded in understanding, "Oh, I get it. It was Benji-"
"He's gay!"

"I have assumptions," he argued, pacing back and forth before spasming back to Kat. "No... No, you didn't."

Katherine eyed him worriedly, knowing that he was smart enough to catch on, "Didn't what?" she inquired innocently, pursing her lips, watching as Collin's expression went uneasy.

"Say his name right now." He glared at her, the blood boiling inside of him, all what Katherine could do was beg for him to not go do anything stupid, but even she knew that was going to be a failed attempt.

"I'm sorry Collin, but-"

"It was Indy, wasn't it?" He crossed his arms, Katherine remaining silent, just as he scoffed, "You gotta be kidding me?" he laughed, catching her off guard. "I can't believe that jackass. He's just some freaking idiot. Anyway," he started, reaching for her hand. "Don't play my best friend and I like that. I swear, if you do, I won't be nice Collin anymore," he made clear, his voice straining from how low it sounded.

Growling out the minor threat, making her breath hitch in surprise, becoming easily dumbfounded by his reaction. "Okay," she swiftly responded with no hesitation.

Collin's eyes roamed her body, "Where did he kiss you?"

Katherine's eyes fixated on the window, avoiding his glare a fluster of heat surfacing at her cheeks, "I'm not gonna-"
"Where did he kiss you?" he repeated much more sternly this time.

"We just kissed," she lied.

Collin nodded, proud of her reply. "Good, maybe now you can answer my question," he started, pressing a hand up against her stomach taking steps forwards, causing her to trail in the opposite direction till her back pressed up against the door.

"What's that?" she murmured, looking up through her eyelashes.

"Who's the better kisser?"

She rolled her eyes at the silly statement, watching as his hand brushed a strand of hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear, "I can't-"

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