He wasn't pointing his words to me, it was to Sky, where he is gazing darkly. I slightly turned my body to see Sky,  clenching his fist, I am not able to see his full expression.

A sudden push knocked me on the smooth, fine birch floor, making me ache a bit. I used my arm to alleviate the impact and when I looked up, Sky has Akeela on his shirt, facing him wrathfully.

" I am sometimes a nuisance, but I am not bringing this world to its end! My world has already fallen! And you don't need to blame me to things that I haven't done! Yes, my world has fallen, but she directed us to this place for some reason! SO, QUIT THE QUARRELS AND MOVE! " Sky spat on his face and pushed him back. Akeela stumbled backwards and wiped his face with his blazer. Most likely of Sky.

Sky's eyes suddenly closed and his body slowly started falling. I quickly stood up and held him with my two arms. Why did he sleep!? I still have many questions to ask!

I quickly teleported at one of the rectangular wooden tables and placed him on it. I hope he'll  wake up. I sighed in exasperation, pulled one of the chairs out infront of the table where Sky lied and sat on it. I really am tired! My body is still jaded because of the battle that I had earlier and all of the unexpected things that happened.

I turned my gaze at my back, Akeela slowly walks to our direction, looking very short, gazing at the books in the story-tall shelves. It will take him very long before reaching us. I think it's not bad to surrender in...


I woke up in the sound of rattling books. My eyes groggy, and my head aches. The brilliant light welcomed my tardy eyes. I lifted my head up from the edge of the chair and turned the it around, seeing Akeela grabbing the books on the floor.

" So, you're awake. " Akeela said without even stealing a glance, just continuing in picking up the books and stuffing it on his arms and lap. He stood up with the book on his arms and placed it in the empty spaces of the bookshelves. " I'm trying to find out if there is a hidden button or something that could lead us to the emblem. "

" I thought you knew this place already. " I said and yawned, stretching my arms, stood up and stretched my back.

" No, I don't. This library is ten times bigger than Laurasia's main library. " He said, while pulling and pushing the books back.

" Speaking of Laurasia, do you think your army already won the war? " I asked and he stopped on what he is doing, sighed and turned his head to me.

" I guess, yes. They will be outrageous after knowing that we disappeared and will be able to defeat all of them, but they won't be able to return to Laurasia quickly without Breanne's power, they will do it manually with the thieftries. If not, knowing that we are not there, they will eventually retreat due to loss of a leader. " He said and continued on stuffing and pulling books. " And, without me and Breanne, there will be a great racket between the mayors and the people. That's why I need to go back as soon as possible. " This is the reason why I don't want to be involved in politics.

The rattles of the table beside me made me turn my head, and when I did, Sky already sat up on the table and gazed at me. " Where are we? Why are we here? And...
...We need to help Bre— She's gone. I forgot. " He said solemnly and mournfully, facing his lap. A smile appeared on his lips. " What are we doing here? " And he faced me.

" JM brought us here. " Akeela said, stealing a glare at us. I just rolled my eyes.

" Before Br-, before she died, she gave instructions in my mind and told me to go here with you, but she didn't tell me why. " I said and he just kept on smiling. He often hide his pains.

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