I obviously did because I knew what he was capable of. I don't remember exactly what happened. It was all so physical and mentally painful that my brain decides to block it out. I remember my sister finding me that morning. She was 6 and didn't understand why her brother was on the ground sobbing. She kept getting closer to me and asking. what was wrong. When she got closer to me the fire on my limbs still wasn't completely gone and I tried to keep her away. She eventually grabbed my arm I used all of the energy I had to make the flames go away. The heat started burning my organs and I passed out. I woke up to days later in the hospital with one less kidney and a disappointed father. This continued for two more years before my father finally got what he wanted. A child with two quirks."

I turn to Aizawa who has a horror stricken look on his face.

"You're really the missing Todoroki?" He asks.

"Touya Todoroki at your service."

"Do you realize how much your sentence can be reduced and all the good that will come out of exposing Endeavor?"

"Yeah. I mean, I never thought telling the police was an option because Endeavor is the number one hero. In my mind the only way to make sure he could never hurt my family again was killing him. Bastard ruined my life even after I got away from him. I have a lot of anger bottled up and that caused me to lash out. I hate killing innocent people."

"Is there any other members of the League that were treated like you? Manipulated in committing crimes?"

"I know about two actually. Toga and Shigaraki. Toga was abused by her parents and bullied severely in school because of her quirk. Shigaraki was only taught how to be evil. All For One raises him after a quirk accident lead to the deaths of his abusive father and the rest of his family. It's sad how we all wanted to be heroes. It's so fucked up."

"You've got that right. Now, I'm going to work on getting you a plea deal. It will most likely end up with you serving time in prison and undergoing psychiatric treatment before being released. For now a therapist will be assigned to you."

It takes a minute for me to process everything. I could get out.

"What about Toga and Shigaraki? They had it way worse than me."

"I'll handle it."

I nod at him. "Thank you."

He nods back and calls the guards back into the room. They take me back to my cell and I can't help but feel real hope for the first time in years.

One month later....

"Took you long enough." I grunt as Aizawa takes a seat in front of me.

"Well your friends weren't easy to track down. Same with all the known information on Touya Todoroki."

"You found them?! Are they okay?"

"They're fine. Toga has already been placed in a rehabilitation program for child criminals. Shigaraki is currently in prison but after his statement and interview he will probably be placed on probation and have a therapist appointment everyday for a certain amount of time. Now, let's focus on you. You were raised with some morals and knew right from wrong. That warrants some jail time. However, since the abuse started young you'll only get one year. After that you'll be on house arrest for another three months and probation for 5 years. Therapy will be mandatory if you want to stay out of prison permanently. This only happens if you sign a deal saying you'll testify against Endeavor."

"Slow down, you're starting a case against Endeavor?"

"Well, as you know Shoto is one of my students. He confided in me about the abuse and everything that happened. We started to gather proof and information from Natsuo and Fuyumi. Touya was the only mystery."

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