The Real End

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This is the actual end of the story and I'm honestly really sad, but also proud of myself. I think I'm going to start an Edmund x reader, but I'm still working through all the details, but I really hope people enjoyed this. I had a lot of fun, but also shed a lot of tears. If you have any questions about the book or anything don't hesitate to comment or send me a message whatever floats your boat. This has been my favorite story I've ever written and I'm glad people seemed to have liked it. Feel free to check out some of my other stories or don't, it doesn't matter to me. Also if you're here with me in March 2020 with the whole coronavirus thing and you're quarantined as I am, hang in there, go for walks if you can or just write. Do something to make you feel less trapped and I'm saying this for myself too. It will all be over soon (I'm hoping).

Glad people stuck with me through this, have a fun day/evening/night whatever it is for you and hope to see you on one of my other stories!

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