Chapter 45

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Sitting in the warmth of water around them Chance gently caressed Tim's arms, lost in his thoughts of the first time they met.

"You're awfully quiet, anything wrong" Tim asked as he leaned against his chest.

"No, just thinking about the first time we met" he answered.

"Good thoughts I hope" Tim replied.

"Absolutely" Chance stated. "Walking through the door, the smile on your face made my heart skip a beat. The instant want, need to be with you took me by surprise. Yet knowing you were married and couldn't possibly have any interest in men, in me..." he trailed off.

"To be honest, I felt something too. I'd hidden those feelings away for so long. I tried to fight it but there was just something about you, your face told me there was so much more I wanted, needed to know, yet this feeling was there like I already knew" Tim told him.

"Like fate?" Chance asked kissing his neck lightly.

"I suppose, I never really believed in fate, especially after Caroline. I couldn't accept the fact her death was 'fate'" Tim solemnly replied.

"I can understand that" Chance assured him, holding him closer. "We've both been through so much since then, broken so many rules, surprised friends and family with who we really are".

"Every time I look in your eyes I realize you, you're the one I'd been searching for, the one to set me free. I never thought with all the memories, the hurt, pain, lies and deceit I could or would let anyone close to me ever again. But you, you've been the one constant in my life since the first time I saw you. I would, will do anything to prove how much I love you, to keep you safe, always" Tim told him turning to face him now.

"As I will you, you're my life, you saved me from myself. You, my love, have set me free" Chance whispered as he drew Tim closer, kissing him passionately.

Across town Austin and Jeff stood looking out over the city. "You need to talk to them, let them know where you are, that you're all right" Jeff stated sipping his coffee.

"I doubt they care, all wrapped up in themselves, no phone calls from either one with concern that I left" Austin replied leaning against the window sill.

"Maybe they don't know" Jeff replied.

"Oh they know, I kinda left the house in a huff" he admitted.

"Seriously Austin, man ya gotta stop with the explosive behavior, think before you react" Jeff advised.

"Easy for you to say, you're more laid back than Adam. That man says virtually nothing, well till he's really pissed off" Austin told him as he sat back on the sofa.

"Be more like Adam" he grinned.

"Ha, ha" Austin replied.

"Seriously though, it's not good for your health, physical or mental. And it sure isn't going to help any relationship" Jeff told him handing the phone to him.

"What's this for?" Austin asked.

"Call your therapist. I can only offer friendly advice, you need to speak to her to figure things out" Jeff coaxed as he stood to leave.

"Where are you going? " Austin questioned.

"You need time alone, to think and to talk things out with her. Make the call, bud, I'll check in with y'all later" Jeff advised before walking out the door.

Austin sat staring at the phone in his hand, he knew Jeff was right but the admission of his actions to her wouldn't be easy.

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