Chapter 32

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"What the hell is wrong with you, you could have been killed" Tim yelled at Chance as he sat on the back step of the ambulance.

"Like you give a fuck" Chance spat at him as the EMT wrapped his hand.

Tim's heart sank at the words. He had every right to be mad about not telling him about Jennings but did he honestly think he didn't care.

"Sir, did you intentionally walk in front of that car, were you trying to harm yourself" the EMT asked after Chance response to Tim.

Chance took a deep breath, "No I did not intentionally walk in front of the car, I just have a lot on my mind that's all. Believe me, I have no intention of harming myself" he expressed just as Bobby walked over.

"What the hell happened here" he asked as he saw Tim standing to the side rubbing his hands over his face, Chance being tended to and a car sitting atop a fire hydrant.

"Would you tell this guy I'm not a threat to myself" Chance stated clearly annoyed.

"I'll take it from here" Bobby told him showing his badge before walking both Tim and Chance to his car.

"Now will one of you explain to me why that car is on the hydrant and you have your hand wrapped up" he demanded.

"This, this is nothing more than a scratch" Chance told him letting his hand drop trying to ignore the pain.

"Anddd" he pryed further looking at the two.

Tim was still realing from what Chance said to him let alone the circumstances leading up to it. Both stood silent not looking at each other or Bobby as he continued to question them.

"Damn it Tim, I want answers and I want them now. Do you know how I found out about this, from your sister. That's right your sister.  Thank God she didn't have a clue that it involved either of you" he barked.

"He wouldn't get in the truck, he kept walking until he stepped in front of that car as he crossed the street" Tim expressed with a bit of anger.

"I wouldn't have walked in front of the car if you first hadn't lied to me about Jennjngs and second hadn't followed me down the damn road" Chance growled.

"I didn't lie to you, I forgot to tell you" Tim retorted.

"How in the hell could you forget to tell me a mad man has threatened you and your family. You don't forget shit like that" Chance bellowed closing in on Tim.

"Alright, back up, that's enough. For two guys who really care about each other you sure as hell aren't showing it right now" Bobby told them.

His comment caught them both off guard as they looked at him then each other. "How..." Tim began to ask.

"Your sister is more in tune to you than you think. She figured it out awhile ago, I didn't believe her, something tells me I was wrong not to" he explained., " but for the time being, can you please explain this mess".

Chance took a deep breath again, "I wasn't paying attention, you know wrapped up in my own head thinking about everything I'd just found out. I was trying to ignore his pleas for me to get into the truck when I attempted to cross the street. That car came through and grazed my hand as he slid through the intersection and well as you can see landed on the hydrant"

"You're lucky you weren't killed" Bobby told him.

"That's what I said but I got a 'like you give a fuck' response from him" Tim added.

Chance gave him a sarcastic look just as another officer came over to take a statement from them. Bobby advised him to go back to the station with the officer and he would meet them there.

"You, get in your truck and follow me back to the station. And while you're at it think long and hard how you're going to explain this to your Momma" Bobby directed as he gave him a slight push.

Tim had no idea how he was going to tell her let alone fix the rift that now hovered between them.

Tim pulled in his mother's driveway about the same time Bobby pulled into his with Chance, neither had spoken to each other after giving their depositions at the station. For whatever reason, for the time being at least, Bobby determined it was best that they rode home separately.

"You know he's the happiest I've seen him in years. If you really care about him, don't let this keep you two apart" Bobby stated as they sat in the car.

"But, he lied Bobby. You dont lie to someone you love" Chance retorted.

"He didn't lie, Chance. He just didn't tell you. Maybe he was trying to protect you just like everyone else that's ever meant anything to him. I can't speak for him, only he can. Listen to him, let him explain. I do know that the look in his eyes at that scene today were filled with fear and sadness. If he lost you, he'd lose himself" he told him.

Tim glanced over at Bobby's car before stepping on the porch. Letting out a heavy sigh of remorse he stepped inside  knowing full well of what awaited him.

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