Chapter 27

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"I'm so glad you could make it home for Thanksgiving, it's been awhile since we've seen you" Regan stated standing on the front porch of Dena's home.

Every year she invited him and his wife to celebrate the annual family get together. Tim was always cordial and respectful when they all were together though he never totally understood how his mother forgave the man for leaving her to raise Emily and himself alone. But this year, the year he was home to reveal who he truly was, to announce that he and Chance were a couple, would not be a public announcement. He would not subject Chance to the ridicule that no doubt would be thrown at them, he deserved better than that, they both did.

"Father, you're looking well" Tim replied shaking his hand. "You remember Chance" he stated as he stepped upon the porch.

"Yes, of course" Regan replied with an odd expression while shaking his hand as Emily and Bobby approached behind him.

"Hey Daddy" Emily greeted handing Tim a pie before grabbing her father for a hug.

"You bake this or you get it from Auntie's shop" he teased sniffing its aroma.

"I baked it, smart ass" she replied taking it back. "At least I made a contribution to the meal" she quipped.

"So did mere attendance shall suffice" he grinned. Chance snickered as Emily scolded him not to encourage her brother.

Gathering together Regan assumed the position at the head of the table, a position Tim no longer felt he was entitled to. Despite his feelings he remained silent for his mom's sake. He loved his father but the memories of the time he caught him in his room seemed to surface quickly each time they were together.

Chance saw Tim absentmindedly moving his food on his plate. He didn't need to ask he knew. He placed his hand upon his thigh to reassure him. Tim gave him a quick look and slight smile as Emily spoke up, "ok everyone there's some news that needs to be shared".

Tim immediately dropped his fork, panic began to set in, how could she know, he hadn't told anyone not even Bobby.

Giving him a strange look, she continued. "Bobby and I have an announcement to make" she smiled.

Chance gently squeezed his thigh, "breathe, it's not about us, no one knows" he whispered as he reached across for the salt shaker. Tim took a deep breath as he looked around the table, everyone's eyes on Emily. Chance was right, it wasn't their secret that was about to be revealed.

Standing side by side, Bobby placed his arm around Emily as she spoke " we're expecting" she stated.

"Expecting what" Tim joked, more to calm himself than be sarcastic.

"Seriously.." Emily replied her hand on her slightly swollen belly no one seemed to have noticed until now. "Momma,'re going to be grandparents" she proclaimed.

Everyone jumped to their feet, congratulating and encircling the happy parents to be. Her father then stepped back, a look of shock upon his face at the realization his grandchild was a bastard child in his eyes as they were not married.

Emily caught the expression her father wore, she too knew all to well the type of man he really was. "No one will bring dishonor to the Foust name" she imagined him saying as Bobby whispered "Em..breathe and tell them".

"There's more" she blurted, "we're already married. We eloped as soon as we first suspected I may be pregnant. So Daddy, I hope you find this..all of this... a blessing" she nervously continued.

"You did the right thing making an honest woman out of her now" he told Bobby sternly.

Dena immediately intervened, wrapping her arms around Emily once again, "Yes Emily, this surely is a blessing" she assured her. While a bit saddened that she didn't get to plan her daughters wedding as she had always imagined, she understood the reason behind their decision.

Tim bawled his fist against his leg "how dare he..the right thing..honest woman" he thought as his father's comment angered him. "Why can't he accept her decisions, her life, their life as they chose". Chance gradually let his hand slide against Tim's hoping to calm him before he did something he would surely regret later. Tim looked at Chance with a raised brow. Chance merely tipped his head towards Emily, trying to convey she needed her big brother right now.

Tim closed his eyes as he took a deep breath. Walking over he embraced Emily.."Congratulations Squirt, you're going to make a great Mom".

"I...I need to get out of here" Tim told Chance as they finished their goodbyes to his father.

"You ok" he asked while they walked through the back field.

"Why.....why did he have to say that to her, to them. Of all people to demand 'the right thing'... he's the one who was fucking around behind my mother's back for years....and he has the audacity to say that to them. Can you imagine what would have happened today if I'd told him the truth about me, about us" Tim replied angered by the thought.

"I can't explain your fathers actions nor will I pretend to begin to understand them but the only thing you can do is to just let it go" Chance advised as he walked slightly behind him.

"Let it go? Are you kidding me " Tim bellowed deeply as he turned towards Chance.

Taken aback by his response Chance stared at him, the intense anger in his eyes burned through him. "There's more to this isn't there" he cautiously asked.

Sighing heavily Tim softened his tone "Babe....I'm sorry..I didn't mean to yell, " he told him sliding his hand around his neck guiding him closer. Pulling him close he grazed his lips along his, "Forgive me" he whispered before kissing him tenderly.

Chance slid his arms around Tim's waist as they deepened their kiss, a soft murmur escaped from his throat as he backed Tim up against a tree. For now he wouldn't press for the full meaning behind his reaction, his main objective was to calm him.

Tim held him back for just a moment, "come with me" he stated taking him by the hand and leading him deeper into the forest. "It's more private here" he advised leading him to a heavily wooded area.

"What's this" Chance asked as they walked around to the back of what appeared to be a lean-to hidden by brush.

"I used to come out here all the time when I was a kid. It was my fort of sorts" he chuckled lightly. "But after...." he hesitated..."it just became my refuge to be myself" he explained.

Chance wrapped his arms around Tim, leaning his head against his back. He knew why Tim picked such a secluded area, it reminded him of his space in the rafters of the old barn. They were more alike than either really could have imagined.

Stepping inside felt like stepping back in time for Tim. It remained as he had left it, right down to the muscle magazines he'd hidden from his father and the comforter his grandmother had sewn for him. He quickly picked up the blanket, clutching it to his chest as he sat down in the corner.

Chance watched as Tim rocked back n forth, holding the blanket as if it were his lifeline. Slowly he sat beside him without saying a word, sliding his arm around his shoulder. Tim leaned into him then lay his head across his lap "she didn't judge, she accepted me...accepted who I really was" he whispered holding the blanket tighter.

"Memaws are like that, they love us unconditionally" Chance replied sliding his hand along Tim's hair. "She make this for you?"

"Yes, just before she passed. It still smells like her, after all this time, even being left in here. She was my safe place, my haven, my comfort. I can't believe I left this, her, behind " he quietly expressed.

An image of a kind, elderly woman flashed through Chance's mind, the blanket Tim so desperately clutched now, being stitched by hand. The woman would occasionally wipe a tear from her eye as she added piece after piece. Once finished she wrapped it around herself saying a prayer 'Lord keep him safe, accepted and loved'. She then placed it in an ornately carved box, placing it on the bench in a room that was filled with a large piano and musical instruments. He smiled as she0 looked directly at him "He did not leave me behind nor the blanket. My prayer has been answered..through you"

Chance found it hard to swallow the lump that formed in his throat. His purpose, his life's work, it was clear now, it was Tim. "You're safe..accepted..and so very dearly loved" he stated as the image faded away.

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