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As I sat in the truck stop diner I watched the other truckers, listened to their stories, experiences on the road. Some spoke of close encounters of wrecks, others irrate companies they delivered for as well as hitchhikers that tried to rob or kill them.

I looked at the man before me, as gruff as he was I highly doubted anyone would try to overtake him yet the man who sat nearby questioned of the large scar along his forearm. He too had been a victim of highway violence though in his voice I detected it was a mere battle scar, that he had been the victor.

Finishing my meal I excused myself to the restroom with every intention upon my return to pay my portion and be on my way. To my surprise the man was gone and my meal had been paid for. For some reason this irritated me, unsure why as I was determined to leave him behind not vice versa. Perhaps he felt threatened by me, had even heard of my past. The reasons ran rampant as I exited the diner.

Not seeing his truck nearby I shrugged it off as yet another lesson in trust. I head to the highway once again to begin my trek to no where specific. I questioned myself as I walked along, why, why had yet another abandonment affected me. I knew nothing of this stranger, he meant nothing to me, no connection.

Suddenly a truck pulled along side yet I kept walking. He yelled for me to stop, to get in the truck, I had no intention.  Stopping his truck he exited and ran up to me pulling my shoulder, "get in the truck boy. Ya ain't gonna get far on stubbornness alone".

"What the hell do you care" I yelled pulling myself from his grasp. "You know nothing about me. I appreciate the meal and the ride. I can take care of myself, I don't need you" I barked trying to step away.

"Marcus, get in the damn truck" he yelled.

Stopping dead in my tracks, I turned, "who the hell are you, how do you know my name, I never told you" I demanded.

"Don't be foolish. Get in the truck, I'll explain" he retorted grabbing me once again.

"No, tell me who you are, now damn it" I growled.

Taking his cap off, running his fingers through his hair, he looked directly in my eyes. "I'm your father".

"My so called father left us when I was seven, I don't have a father" I yelled.

"That man wasn't your father. Please, get in the truck and I will explain everything. I swear, I won't make you stay if you want to leave, just hear me out, please" he plead.

For whatever reason, at that moment, I believed him.

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