Chapter 35

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Daylight began to shine upon the lean-to as Chance slowly woke. "Damn my ass hurts" he thought to himself before rolling over emitting a deep groan. Remembering the events of the night before he smiled and thought "it's more than worth it though".

Rolling over he found Tim sitting at the edge of the lean-to wrapped in his grandmother's blanket. He reached out touching his shoulder, "Babe"

Tim sat silent, he felt more than satisfied yet guilty as hell. His fathers words were heard over and over in his mind, the groans from Chance as he slept obviously caused by his actions. Convinced he'd secured his fate in hell, he stared ahead caught up in his own mind.

Sliding over Chance surrounded Tim in his arms, "talk to me" he softly spoke in his ear.

"I'm sorry" Tim whispered leaning back against him.

"For what" he asked wondering.

"Everything, like he said. And I hurt you. I didn't mean to hurt you" he stated.

"You're nothing like he said, nothing at all. And you didn't hurt me" Chance assured.

"You're not good at lieing you know. You groaned in pain every time you moved all night" Tim solemnly replied.

"I admit I'm sore but it's a good pain because it's the result of an act of love" Chance whispered nuzzling against Tim's neck.

"Love doesn't cause pain, Adam" he said quietly.

Turning Tim towards him he caressed his cheek, "why are you doing this to yourself" he asked.

"I don't know..making love to you last night was amazing...much more than I ever thought it could be. I felt free, finally free ya know..then this morning..." he explained closing his eyes and turning his head to the side.

Chance gently lifted his chin, "Don't let him get in your head. You, we did nothing wrong. The intimacy between two lovers is no ones business but their own, our own. You love me don't you" he stated.

"Of course I do, I'd be lost without you" Tim replied.

"And I love you, more than anything or anyone. That's all that matters, Tim. We're all that matters, not what he thinks, not one anyone else thinks, only us" he told him before kissing him gently.

The two embraced each other in silence as they watched the dawn of a new day arise before them.

"You were right, I should have listened to you" Bobby told Emily stroking the side of her face as she lay next to him.

"I'm worried about them, what happens when it becomes public that they're together. And Dad, this will not go over well with him" she expressed turning towards him.

"Maybe they'll just keep it private like they've been doing, keep up the front of just a band of brothers" he replied moving his fingers to her breast.

"What are you doing" she smiled moving closer.

"Am I doing something?" he grinned.

"Mmmhmmm" she responded closing her eyes.

Just as he leaned down to kiss her breast she quickly opened her eyes "wait" she exclaimed.

"Wait? What's wrong" he asked bewildered.

Emily took his hand and placed it on her belly, "feel that" she gasped.

Bobby rested his hand for a moment until he too felt the flutter beneath. He looked at her, his eyes widened "my God, Emily..can you feel that..that's" his voice quivering.

"That's your son" she giggled through the tears that escaped from her eyes.

Chance soaked in the tub while Tim made them something to eat. They'd returned to Dena's after she'd already left for the day making them both thankful no explanations of where they were all might or why Chance was walking slowly were needed.

Finally making his way down the stairs he walked into the kitchen just as Tim began to plate up their food.

"Here, sit here. I grabbed a cushion from the lawn chair to make it more comfortable for you" Tim advised.

"I'm ok, it's not that bad" he lied as he gently eased into the chair.

"Again, you're a terrible liar. Maybe it wasn't a good idea after all" Tim stated handing him his coffee.

"Will you stop, it's just something to get used to. It's not every day you have something you can barely fit in your mouth slid into your ass" Chance joked nearly making Tim spit his coffee across the table.

"I'll take that as a compliment..I think" Tim smirked as he began to eat. "How's your hand feel?"

"Not too bad, should probably change the bandage today. When are we heading back to meet up with the guys" he asked grabbing a slice of bacon.

"Apparently Adam texted while we were at the lean-to, I left my phone behind in my room. I'm sure he's wondering how everything went with telling everyone " Tim replied.

"Funny, not much telling had to be done. Your family seemed to already know, as did mine" Chance replied.

"Are we really that transparent?" Tim asked taking his plate to the sink.

"Perhaps or they just are intune to who we both really are. Either way, they accept us no matter what and that's what matters most" Chance told him.

"True. The next question we keep our relationship private or go public. Alot of lives will be affected, not just ours, if we choose to" Tim stated.

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