Chapter 33

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Chance slipped past the kitchen doorway as Dena gave Tim the anticipated tongue lashing Bobby warned he would be facing. Quickly making his way upstairs, his mind reeling from the days events, he shut the door to his room before laying on the bed. Exhausted both mentally and physically, his hand painfully throbbing, he closed his eyes to rest.

Soon a knock upon his door and the familiar voice that a short time ago had been admonishing her son was now asking for permission to enter.

Sitting up he answered "Come in" as he cradled his throbbing hand.

Dena slowly opened the door peeking her head inside, "Adam, can we talk"

"Yes ma'am" he quietly replied knowing he was most likely about to get his own reprimand from her.

Stepping inside Dena closed the door behind her then sat next to him on the bed. "How's your hand, are you sure you're not hurt anywhere else" she asked touching his arm.

"It's just a scratch, I'm fine, really" he replied.

"From what I understand you're extremely lucky to be alive right now" she told him.

"Yes, I suppose" he said not looking at her.

"There are a few things you need to know about Tim that may help you understand why he didn't tell you everything before. You see when his father left he became the man of the house, feeling it was his responsibility to take on the role of protector of Emily and I. He did everything in his power to see to it that we were always safe. Then Caroline came into his life. Oh how he loved her, even took a beating from her father in order to protect her. Hell he even took a beating from Jenika's father, but that one was to protect you. You see Tim never once has complained  about anything he's been through, he's always felt that's what he was put on this earth for, to take care of the ones he loves. And now he has you, he will go to great lengths to ensure you are safe.  You are just like him, ensuring he is safe and unharmed. You see Adam, he doesn't know how to be  protected, he's always been the protector. This is why he never told you about Jennings, to keep you safe" she explained.

Tears threatened to escape from his eyes as he listened to her words. He'd said some things out of anger without understanding, hurting the only person he truly has ever loved. "Where is he, where's Tim" he quietly asked wiping the tears away.

"He said he was taking a walk, he needed some time alone. Go to him Adam. You two are soul mates, don't let this get in the way of your happiness together" she told him.

"I'm very sorry" he expressed.

"Tell him that, son" she smiled as she wiped another tear that trickled down his cheek.

"Thank you Mom" he replied before heading out the door.

Standing on the back porch he realized there was only one place where Tim could possibly be, the woods, the safe haven he had built as a child.

It was now nearly sun down as he began making his way through the back fields. Hoping he could remember the trail through the darkness as the sun set behind him, he ran deeper into the woods.

Tim sat near a small fire built in a group of rocks he had filled with twigs and small limbs. Tonight he would stay here, his haven, to think and pray that the love of his life would somehow understand his explanation in the morning and forgive him.

Lost in the hypnotic flames before him he was unaware he was not alone, until the light snap of a nearby twig. Sitting completely still in fear of a coyote or other wild animal, he held his breath as footsteps were heard approaching, hoping whatever it was would lose interest and soon be on its way.

Seeing the silhouette sitting in front of the lonely fire tore at his heart. He'd pushed him away, sent him to the place he found refuge and non judgement, all because of misunderstanding his good intentions. "Tim" he called out as he walked slowly towards him.

Letting out the breath he'd been holding he quietly replied "Hey" without turning towards him.

Chance sat down beside him, himself now staring into the fire, the silence deafening between them.

Tim bit his lip trying to hold back the emotions that rattled him. Tears welling up he couldn't hold back any longer, "I thought...I was going to lose you more ways than one...that...that you would never know how much you mean to me and what I would go through to keep you safe..." his voice cracking.

"I'm sorry for what I said, what I did" he told him holding his injured hand, "why didn't you tell me about him"

"I couldn't, you have enough to worry about with your health, the dreams and such, I couldn't add to the stress. He's my problem and it's my responsibility to protect the ones I love, the less you know the safer you are" Tim replied.

"I disagree. You're more vulnerable to him, your thoughts for the rest of us are scattered, weakened, giving him the advantage to catch you off guard, to hurt you" Chance retorted.

"He won't hurt me, not physically" Tim replied.

"Why not, how do you know that" Chance questioned.

"He wants what he feels I took from him, to make me suffer for his loss, to know the pain" Tim answered "so you see I have to do everything in my power to ensure all of you are protected".

"And I need to ensure that you are also protected" Chance added.

"What don't you understand Adam, this is my mess. When he finds out about you, us, if he hasn't already.. .he'll come straight after you. I can't let that happen, I can't" Tim stated.

"What if he already knows" Chance questioned looking at the bandage on his hand.

Tim stood, running his hands through his hair, "He can't, only the guys and our immediate families know, we haven't made anything public. don't think that don't think that was intentional, do you?" Tim asked beginning to panic.

"No, that was my own stupidity walking  into the street" Chance assured him as he now stood in front of him.

"You see how you reacted to the mere thought he could have been behind that? You can't do this alone, let me help you, please Tim, you need me" Chance told him stepping closer.

Looking into his eyes he stepped closer, placing his arms around his waist, pulling him in "Let me help, let me protect you" he whispered against Tim's lips.

"I can't lose you, I'll die without you" Tim whispered back.

"We're stronger together than we are apart" Chance uttered as he tenderly kissed his lover.

Tim cupped Chance face in his hands, "Stay with me, here, tonight" he asked in between the deepening kisses.

"Of course" he replied unfastening the top of Tim's jeans.

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