Chapter 40

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Chance pulled the blanket up over Tim's shoulder as he gave him a soft kiss upon his forehead, Tim stirring slightly at the touch. Turning out the light, leaving the door slightly ajar, he walked down the hallway with Satch perking up his ears as he passed by his bed. "Shhh" he whispered as the furball wagged his tail "Don't wake Daddy" he cautioned before heading to the back porch, his tablet in hand.

Kicking his feet up on the railing he began to make notes, notes of what Olena had told him, what he'd experienced himself and more importantly the information Tim had provided about Caroline's father. Was it possible he was there in Nashville, though Bobby had assured them he was still in the Houston area, or was he just overreacting to the quirks of strangers. Either way he didn't trust anyone when it came to the safety of those he loved.

Closing his eyes he took a deep breath to help clear his mind, hoping for a sign from those on the other side, yet nothing came forth. "I could really use your help, guidance, something right about now " he whispered as he felt a presence nearby.

"You alright?" came the voice with the heavy southern accent.

Startled he dropped his feet from the railing, nearly falling from his chair. "What the hell Austin" he barked.

"Whoa, hold on there all I asked was if you were alright. Kinda odd seeing you out here at 3 in the morning" he replied.

"I could say the same about you. What are you doing lurking around out here" Chance asked now standing in front of him.

"I couldn't sleep and I'm not lurking around. Jeez, I took a walk along the back field to think. I saw you sitting here as I came back and thought I'd check to be sure you were alright" he retorted.

"I'm fine" Chance replied coldly, heading towards the door.

"What is wrong with you, you've been acting like you're pissed at me forever. What the hell did I do to you" he demanded.

"Austin...." he began just as Tim appeared at the door.

"Hey, what's going on. Why are you both out here at this hour" Tim asked opening the door letting Satch outside.

"Nothing is going on" Chance quickly replied.

Raising his brow he looked at the two, knowing both all too well, something was wrong, he could feel it.

"I couldn't sleep and took a walk. When I came back I saw him on the porch, thought it was odd and just asked if he was ok, that's all and he bites my head off for it" Austin explained.

"You scared the shit out of me nearly making me fall out of my chair. You'd react the same" Chance stated sternly.

"Are you sure that's all this is" Tim asked Chance.

"Seriously? I'm going back to bed" Chance grunted as he walked back inside.

"Damn it Tim, what the hell have I done now. It's obvious I've pissed him off somehow but I have no fucking clue how" Austin relented rubbing his hands through his hair.

"Why don't you head back to the house, try to get some sleep. Maybe we can figure this all out in the morning " Tim advised.

Austin shook his head and walked back towards the guest house, mumbling under his breath the entire way. Tim watched until he made it inside closing the door behind him.

"Come on, Satch...let's go back to bed boy" he called out "we're gonna need our rest for tomorrow's intervention"

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