Chapter 18

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Walking back in the room to check on Chance, Tim found his phone flashing signaling a text message. Taking the phone from the stand he read the message from Jake.

"So much for keeping it private" he commented as Chance rolled over.

"Keeping what private, something wrong" he asked, his voice raspy from sleeping.

"How are you feeling" Tim asked placing the phone down.

"Well, I ain't dead so I guess thats a good thing, right" he tried joking.

"Worst one in a long time, huh" Tim replied sitting on the side of the bed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you I thought it would just go away" he told him.

"And now?" Tim asked, holding his hand.

"Better, still that phase of the slightest thing could retrigger, you know the usual. Thank you though, for everything" Chance expressed.

"You're welcome, but please let me know when you're having one or anytime you're ill for that matter. Waking to you not near me and searching till I found you was unnerving to say the least" Tim replied, squeezing his hand.

"Sorry" Chance apologized again, "what did you mean when you said so much for keeping it private"

Showing him his phone, he brought up the text from Jake. "Well, he did say she was a spit fire, but what on earth could she be so adamant about to want to come here. She could have just called" he replied.

"Well, she also texted you at 2 am stating she had to speak with you. Actually her text is what woke me to find you gone" Tim added.

"I'll call her" Chance stated, taking the phone just as the doorbell rang.

"Umm, yeah...I'm mighty sure that's our spitfire now" Tim advised.

"Ugh...ok, stall them while I get dressed. There's no way to hide or anything" he said throwing off the covers and sitting up too fast, "fuck" he added holding his head for a moment.

"Lay back down. I'll come up with something to have her leave" Tim stated helping him lay back.

"No, I can't lie to her Tim, it wouldn't be right. Just go let them in and give me a few minutes and I'll come talk with her. Obviously she has something she needs to see me for and I can't let her down. I've always told her, we both have always told her that she can come to us with anything, that means being available to her at any time. Besides she's as stubborn as her mother, she wont wait" Chance stated.

Nodding in agreement Tim head for the door "she's as stubborn as her name sake too" he thought walking down the hallway.

"See Daddy, I told you they were here" Calli scolded as Tim opened the door.

"Sorry, Tim I tried" Jake apologized.

"It's ok, Jake. But Calli" he said turning to her" please do not tell anyone else we're here ok. We came to just chill for a few days, ok"

"I won't and I know that's not the real reason. Where's Uncle Chance, we need to talk" she retorted looking for her Uncle.

"Right here sweet pea" Chance answered approaching the door. Quickly Calli ran to him, throwing her arms around his waist, hugging him tightly. "I knew you were here" she stated.

Looking at Jake with furrowed brows as if to question what this was about, Jake merely shrugged his shoulders. Tim also had a strange look, one brow raised in wonder.

"I need to talk to you, alone Uncle Chance" Calli stated looking at the others.

"Oookay" he replied with a slight chuckle, "where would you like to talk"

"By the shore, take a walk with me please" she requested.

"Baby girl, Uncle Chance isn't feeling to well, maybe you should just go to his room or the back porch" Tim suggested.

"I know, but he needs to go to the shore" she nearly demanded.

The three men looked at her then each other, how could she know, no one told her anything.

"Ok, whereever you'd like" Chance told her as Tim began to question, " I'm good, really" he added.

Jake and Tim watched as the two walked hand in hand towards the shoreline, both wondering exactly what and why she felt the urgent need to see him.

After a brief walk away from the house Calli asked Chance to sit on the sand dune with her. "You feel better" she asked as she scooted over to him.

"Actually, yes, yes I do" he replied somewhat surprised.

"Good, this is where you need to be" she told him.

Thinking she must have overheard him at some point or perhaps another family member say how the gulf always calms him he really thought nothing about her comment.

"So little one, tell me why you needed to talk to me" he asked taking her hand.

"I'm not so little Uncle Adam, I'm ten you know" she replied putting her other hand on his.

"Uncle Adam?" he asked surprised.

"I know you rather be called Adam, I mean that is your name, Chance is your middle name, a special middle name" she replied smiling at him.

"And how do you know all this" he asked looking at the smiling face before him.

"Poppa told me" she said matter of factly.

A shiver ran down his spine, she hadn't been born before his father passed, there was no way, surely she overheard this from someone in the family.

"You mean grandpa Marcus told you" he told her.

"Nope, Poppa told me. You know you look just like him" she replied touching his beard. "He told me that your middle name was very special, that he and Nana picked it before you were born and why"

More shivers ran down his back, there was no way anyone else knew the reason behind his name, only his parents and as far as he knew, they hadn't shared it with anyone, including Heather.

Trying to steady his voice he asked, "and what was that"

"The doctors told them they shouldn't have you, that it was too risky...but they wouldn't listen...Poppa said they wanted you so badly that they had to take the chance..and that's how you got the name"

She spoke the truth. His mother had told him after one of his severe headache episodes as a child. He just stared at her, how could she really know this.

Calli sensed his uncertainty,  "Uncle Adam...I'm just like you" she told him.

"Like me? How are you like me, sweetie" he asked.

"We both see things, feel things that others don't, dreams, nightmares sometimes" she replied stroking his beard.

"No, please don't let her be like me. She's too young, it's too painful..please" he begged in his mind.

"Calli" he began tears welling in his eyes.

"It's ok, Uncle Adam. It's my work too" she assured.

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