Chapter 21

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Tim leaned against the headboard waiting for Chance to come to bed. The time had come to get serious about his health. They'd been lucky this time but if he continued the way he was running there was no telling what could happen.

Crawling in alongside, Chance snuggled up against Tim. "You tired" Tim asked.

"A little" he answered with a yawn bringing the covers over his shoulder. Tim pulled him close, surrounding him in his arms. "Did you take your meds"

"Yes, dad" Chance chuckled lightly.

"Hey, just making sure you don't go through the same hell you did last night" Tim replied.

"I know, I appreciate the reminder and for taking care of me. Seems like that's all you're always doing is taking care of me" Chance told him.

"And, I always will" Tim told him. "Do you feel like talking for a bit or need to sleep" he added.

"Sure, what's on your mind" Chance replied.

"Adam called today, rehearsals for the new video start at the end of the week. He wanted us to know when he and the others were expecting to be back in Tennessee" Tim stated.

"Shouldn't be a problem, course I'd rather stay right here where we are now but work must go on" he replied.

"About he knows we're together" Tim told him with hesitation.

"Annnd, how does he know this? " Chance inquired.

"These" he stated, tossing his phone on the bed.

"Huh?" Chance remarked.

"Yeah..apparently neither of us shut off the tracking app..." Tim told him.

" that means just about everyone in our circle of friends, family know we're here" Chance stated looking at the phone, "so much for being private" he added.

"I don't think everyone knows but yeah, guess we need to shut that off " Tim told him putting the phone on the nightstand.

"Or, just finally tell everyone we're together, as a couple" Chance suggested.

"Is that what you want?" Tim asked.

"More importantly, is that what you want. We've already told the guys I'm bisexual" Chance stated sitting up to look at Tim.

"I want whatever you want and if finally telling this secret we've been keeping is going to lessen the stress you're under, then yes...I want to tell them" Tim replied.

"Ok, then we shall tell there's something else I need to tell you" Chance stated while swirling his fingers along the back of Tim's hand.

Tim listened intently as Chance explained the nightmares and visions he'd been experiencing. Based on the fact he'd explained what had been revealed while he was on the other side, Tim had no reason to question what he was being told.

"How often does this happen, do you know ahead of time" Tim curiously asked.

"They all seem to happen while on the road, when we've been going non stop" Chance revealed.

"So, while you're stressed" Tim stated.

"I guess, I never paid alot of attention to the why or when. I seem to focus on the content, and believe me I'd rather not.." he trailed off.

"Can I ask you something" Tim said rubbing his shoulder.

"Yea, sure" he quietly answered.

"Do you just see these things, or do you physically feel what they feel" Tim wondered.

Chance sat quietly, not answering, unsure if he would understand when he told him the truth, if he would understand how stressful it was to explain what's going on in his head when he didn't understand it himself.

Tim sensed his uneasiness, pulling him closer, "Babe, you don't need to say anything. I understand, I wish I could take all of it away" he said.

"It's my work, just like it's hers" Chance replied.

"Hers? Whose?" Tim questioned.

Taking a deep breath he revealed his conversation with Calli earlier in the day. "She said she's just like me" he told Tim.

"Oh God, the headaches too" Tim sadly replied.

"No, thankfully. But she has visions and knowledge of things happening to kids her age, and yes, she feels it too" Chance explained wiping a tear from his eye.

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