Chapter 19

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"Hey, we'll be back in town at the end of the week to start the recordings for the next release. Austin should be there by Thursday, Rob and I are scheduled for a Friday morning early arrival. How's things on your end?' Adam asked as Tim stared out at the shoreline.

"Helllloooo, are you there" Adam repeated into the phone finally getting a response from Tim.

"Sorry, yeah, sure, it's all good " Tim replied watching for Calli and Chance to return.

"What's got you so preoccupied? Everything ok with you and Chance?" Adam asked.

"What? Yeah, he's doing his own thing, I'm doing mine" he stated nonchalantly.

"Tim, when are you two going to own up to the fact you're together. We're all good with it, we just want you happy, both of you" Adam stated.

Taken aback by the statement Tim wondered just exactly what the others had been discussing about them. "Y'all are good with it? With what?" he asked
a slight tone of anger in his voice. The last thing he wanted to deal with right now was coming out to his bandmates when he was still trying to figure out what was going on with Chance.

"Whoa, no one's been talking smack about either of you. I myself know you two care deeply for one another, whether you've admitted it to one another or not. And I know the other two just want what's best for you as well" Adam explained.

Tim let out a deep sigh, he knew it was time to say something to the others, but how and when hadn't been decided yet. Whatever was going on with Chance here and now was the main priority and until that was clear their coming out still needed to remain private.

"How's the weather along the gulf, I heard there had been a bad storm with damage" Adam asked.

"What? Why are you asking me that" Tim replied.

"Well, you're both there aren't you? Your phone trackers show you are" Adam chuckled.

"Remind me to turn those off, goodbye Adam" he snarked before disconnecting.

Adam laughed to himself, "well that went rather well, shouldn't be long now"

"They don't know about you two?" Jake asked as Tim continued to stare out the window.

"It's complicated" Tim replied.

"Shouldn't's obvious you love each other..they will understand" Jake stated grabbing a drink from the fridge. "Wouldn't it be better to just be open about everything, not hide the truth and live your lives as you want for a change. You both have more than earned that" he told him popping the top off his beer.

"Maybe, but there is a lot at stake if we tell them" Tim replied.

"Seems to me there's more at stake if you dont" Jake told him as he walked out to the back patio.

"Don't be afraid of what you feel, Uncle Adam" she stated sitting alongside him.

"And what do you feel, who do you see" he asked her quietly.

"Mostly people around my age, sometimes older that I don't know, sometimes they don't have faces, but I feel what they feel.. sadness, fear, hopelessness.." she stated.

"And you make their feelings your own" he stated running his hands through the sand.

"Yes" she replied.

"Have you told anyone else about this" he asked.

"Only you....have you told Uncle Tim" she said.

"I don't think he'd be honest I think he'd probably have nothing to do with me" he confessed.

She looked at him, smiling with her eyes, " You came here for answers, didn't you?"

"Yes, but I didn't expect them to come from you, sweetie" he chuckled.

"He's scared, he's afraid of losing you, he wants to help but you push him away. Don't push him away Uncle Adam. He was sent into your life for a reason, as you were into his" she told him.

"I think I'm just as scared, of that and so much more" he quietly stated.

"That's one of the main reasons why I had to talk with you...I knew you were here, I felt it..." she told him.

"So, shall I expect more of these meetings with you" he asked with a raised brow.

"Maybe, who knows. I go to who I'm guided to...just as you will, that is after you stop fighting this gift you've been given" she answered.

"Gift? Baby girl, it feels more like a curse" he replied.

"It scared me at first too..I thought I was a freak, weirdo, psycho kid or something but then it was all explained to me" she said.

"Let me guess..Poppa?" Chance asked.

Giggling a little Calli added, "And Caroline"

"Are they here?" he asked.

"Nearby but this was my assignment not theirs" she told him.

"Can I ask you something" he said.

"Absolutely,  anything" she smiled.

"Why you, why now, this early in your life. I didn't find out till I actually died, didn't have something happen that I don't know about, did you" he asked afraid to know.

"No, the way it was explained to me was that I was born for many reasons, that the family I was going to needed healing in so many ways. So here I am to spread sunshine into all y'alls lives" she laughed after.

Grabbing her into a tight hug,  he smiled looking towards the sky, "That you have, baby girl..that you have".

"Oh, I have one more thing to tell you" she said leaning out of his hug.

"What's that" he replied.

"Go see grandpa Marcus. Your headaches aren't what you think, but Uncle Tim needs reassurance" she advised.

"How did you know" he asked.

" just asked me that? Have you not been listening to me this past hour" she replied with a bit of sarcasm.

Laughing at her response,  "you have to admit, its alot to take in, especially from a ten year old".

"I'm not your typical ten year old" she smiled.

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