Chapter 52

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“You know, she never was part of any of this. “ Mike spoke with a low voice. Risa glanced at him. 

They were all inside an empty classroom, waiting for Alex, Kai and Mikasa; who was just in the classroom across theirs. Blake didn’t bother looking at him, as he examined his knuckles. It was bruising badly now.

“Shit.” Blake cursed, as he clinched his hand. “I can’t believe I punch the wall,” Blake grinning evilly, he faced Mike” instead of your face. “. Mike didn’t seem fazed at Blake’s scary figure, as he stared back with a bored face.

“The hell is with your face!” Blake shouted, agitated.

Suddenly, yet slowly, his lips turned into a smirk, “I don’t like using my energy on useless things.”

Blake stood up, ready to punch him. “That’s it! I’m so punching you!” But before he could even step a foot forward, Risa stepped in front of him.

“Blake.” She placed a hand in front, stopping him. But she wasn’t able to hide her smile, making Blake all the more annoyed.

Blake glared at Risa, ”You’re enjoying this aren’t you?”

Risa feigned an innocent look, “What are you talking about?” Blake gave her an impatient look, making her look away from his stare.

“God, you’re like a married couple.” Mike commented, bemused at the two.

“Hell no.” Blake muttered, before sitting back down on his seat. Risa simply stared at mike, who replied the look. 

Mike smirked at her,”Yes, Risa?”

Before Risa could answer, there was a light knock on the door. Risa was about to reach for the handle, when the door was suddenly opened, revealing Jake, and the other girls.

“Risa-chan!” Jake cried out, hugging her. She held onto him for support, since his hug caught her off guard.

She laughed, patting the blonds’ head, “What’s wrong Jake?”

“Jake called us all. He noticed you all gone this morning. “Mika answered, and Yui nodded.

They were all busy talking to eachother, that they notice another presence behind them. But Blake and mike surely noticed him.

“You alright, Mike?”

All heads turned to look at the cute looking boy, standing outside the classroom.

Mike rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. “Yeah.”

His face showed concern, as he stepped inside the classroom. Blake rolled his eyes, "God, what are you? His boyfriend?"





Giggle. Yui giggled, making everyone look at her.

She smiled shyly, before bowing in embarrasment.

"And for the record, no. I'm not his boyfriend. " The cute boy answered, in a polite tone.

"Whatever." Blake crossed his arms, and Jake immediately ran to him.

"Blake!" Jake hugged his older brother. After pulling away, he immediately noticed his bruised knuckles. "What happened!?" He asked, as he held his brother's hand, concerned etched on his face.

Blake slowly pulled his hand away,"Nothing."

Jake pouted, as he neared his brother. Mika, Risa and Yui joined them aswell. While mike and cute boy was in the other far end of the classroom.

another BL story. [Completed ✔][Major Editing]Where stories live. Discover now