Chapter 46

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"Goodnight alex." Kai leaned in to kiss me.

I closed my eyes as I felt his lips on mines. It was a quick one, but it still made me feel all tingly, "Goodnight Kai."

Once he pulled away, we saw Blake coming from the stairs.

"Goodnight Blake!" Kai greeted him.

He stopped by his doorway, "Uh yeah, Night." He muttered before entering it.Kai then ushered me into my room, and went to his after.

Once I'm already inside my room, I locked my doors and sat on my bed. I pulled out my phone, and opened the text I received earlier.

I hate you

Atfirst, I thought it was Blake, but it wasn't. The number was unknown. I was debating on whether to text back or not. Who knows, maybe it was a wrong send?

Suddenly my phone vibrated again, it was another new text.

Goodnight alex!

I sighed in relief, it was just Kai. I smiled, texting a quick reply. But before I can send it, I received another text. Opening it, I thought it was Kai again..

I hate fags. Just like you.

My eyes grew upon reading the message, and I quickly shut my phone. I covered my mouth in shock. It was the same unknown number. My other hand went up to my chest, I can feel my heartbeat. This is just freaky.

I wasn't able to sleep properly that night. And I didn't bother opening my phone again, I removed my battery just incase. I have to tell Kai about this. Even though it's just a text, I can't help but feel nervous about it.


"Who the hell is this?!" Kai almost threw my phone. He was angry, atfirst he thought it might be a wrong sent. But after reading the second message, he got mad. His grip tightened around my phone, as he rubbed his temples with the other. He looks really frustrated, maybe telling him was a bad idea.
It was a sunday, and we decided to hang out- just the two of us.We're now in my room- and instead of having fun, he's mad.

"Kai?" I gently placed an arm on his shoulder, his arms tensed under my touch. But softened as I rubbed it. "I'm sorry."

He looked at me, "It's not your fault. I just.." He looked down, and sighed. "I hate it when people insult you, and the second message basically did that."

"But it might a wrong sent, right? Why don't we text it to make sure?" I suggested, and he shook his head.

"We can't reply back, its an unknown number. It can send you messages, but you can't send nor can we locate this number. Whoever is doing this, must have some hi-tech gagdets." He opened the texts again, until it vibrated again; another text I assume.

After reading it, Kai's expression changed. Now he looks furious. I pulled my phone from his hand, and I nearly dropped my phone. No wonder Kai's mad- really mad.

You should go back, from where you came from. HomoLand.

I gritted my teeth, "Bastard."

I looked at kai, he just cursed. "Did you just..?"

He rubbed the side of his neck, looking away.

I placed my hand into his, intertwining them. "They're just text messages Kai. They can't hurt me." I tried to assure him, I felt his grip tigthen around my fingers.

"Once I get my hands on whoever sent those." Kai's jaw clenched, after seeing me though he relaxed abit. He took deep breaths, calming himself "Okay, you're right. Let's just forget it for now. I'll just get you a new phone then. " His smile immediately grew, excited.

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