Chapter 6

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A week has passed.

All done with unpacking, I was able to recreate my old room into my new one. It's quite an easy task since I don't have anything much in my room besides my guitar. I'm still getting use to Japan but I can't call this place 'home sweet home.', yet.

I was glad that Kai and Jake were making efforts to become close to my parents and it wasn't that difficult, my parents find them easy to get along anyways. But I can't say the same goes for Blake. When he told that he hates meeting new people, he wasn't kidding. But the way he talked to me on my first day, I highly doubt it. I tried asking Kai and Jake to know a little about Blake, but they would give me the same answer all over again 'He's always like that.'

What the heck is that?

Putting that side, Kai and Jake would take me out to get to know the place a little bit. I was surprised to see the different culture and the outfits' people are daring to wear. There are always interesting places that I would visit, but Jake and Kai would pull me to other places to venture.

My parents were also not home most of the time, and they totally trust me staying with the three boys. Since the past week my parents didn't see any change in the behavior of the three dudes, and like I said earlier: I didn't bother flirting or hoping anymore. My parents were actually buying some house appliances, and were also busy enrolling me to the school nearby.

Now I'm in my room sitting down on my wheeled-chair facing the laptop in-front of me, I was doing some research about the area I'm staying in and taking some Japanese language online courses.

Kai and Jake even helped me to learn some basics like how to greet and that sort of stuff.

I stared at the laptop screen and my eyes were getting blurry since I've been sitting here for 3 hours already, frustrated I smacked my head on the table. I immediately regretted it, now my forehead hurts.

''Knock. Knock." Blake was standing by the door.

My head still smacked on the table I turned my head towards him, ''What do you want?"

He entered my room nearing me, he squatted down with his eye leveling mines, ''I'm bored."

I immediately sat up straight realizing the proximity of our faces; I crossed my arms across my chest, "So?"

He got up and went to lean against the table facing me with a smirk, "Entertain me then."

I raised my eyebrow at him and he was still smirking. With a sigh, I got towards my bed. I took my acoustic guitar that was placed on it, and sat on my bed.

Blake stood up and sat on my drawer which was just next to my bedside, so he was sitting dangerously close to me, "What you playing?"

I strummed a few chords, "A song."

He snorted, "Specifically."

"I don't know. You're bored and now you're annoying me." I glared at him.

He chuckled at me before leaning in, ''You should learn to control your anger."

"What?" I pushed him off, getting up.

''Like I said before 'I know' so you better control yourself before I do it for you." He neared me slowly, I took out my hand, "Stop right there idiot!"

He abruptly stopped, waiting for me to speak.

"What the hell do you mean? And what the hell is wrong with you dude?" I demanded. He's really getting on my last nerves, and confusing me a lot.

He stared at me expressionless, ''When the right time comes, you'll find out.''

With that said, he left. Leaving me to ponder on the words that he just said, I swear I don't get this guy. A mystery.


I was brought back to reality when someone jumped on my back; I stumbled but got to re-position myself grabbing the skinny legs that were wrapped around my waist.

''Aleeeex!!!" Jake patted my head grinning, and bobbing his head side to side. Kai was in the back laughing at my agonizing-look on my face.

"Damn Jake, you're freaking heavy!" I winced as I tried to get him off my back."

"No I'm not!" Jake pouted once he was standing on the ground, "I'm so skinny looking!!" He waved his arms in my face.

"Looks can be deceiving then, huh?" Kai laughed patting Jake's head. I had to agree with that. We walked out of my room towards the dining area.

"So what was Blake doing here then?" Kai questioned as we descended the stairs, Jake holding onto my left arm and Kai walking by my right side.

Should I tell him?

"Was asking something, no biggie." I shrugged and Kai nodded but I can see that he wasn't buying the reason I gave, but he didn't push it any further.

"Enough Blake talk, let's eat cupcakes!" Jake suggested.

They went out earlier and came back with freshly baked cupcakes, we ate it with tea and Blake hating tea didn't join us. Good thing too, because he's a confusing dude that I'm planning not to have any more encounters with.

"I'm so excited!" Jake exclaimed getting more hyper from the 3 cupcakes he ate.

"For what?" I asked, taking a sip of the green tea. Mmm. So delicious.

"School. Your parents were talking to aunty about it." Kai smiled at me and I just nodded.

To be honest I wasn't that excited, I mean who in their right mind would be excited being the new kid.

Not me.

I'll definitely stand out, like an alien in earth.

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