Chapter 43

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After Kai asked me out on a date, we had to immediately pull away. We can hear girls going crazy near the door.

"They were watching us weren't they?" I groaned as Kai smiled amused. "How embarrassing."

Kai placed a palm on my right cheek, "No it's not. I think it's cute."

Immediately I found myself smiling, his smiles are really contagious. I heard another giggle; soon I heard giggles and squeals. Kai was laughing lightly, as he pulled me towards the door.

We silently neared the living room door, and we sneakily peeked outside, Yup, everyone was there. But before I can confront them, I saw Risa go out through the back exit. Where was she going?

Kai suddenly cleared his throat, gaining the girls attention, as he stood in front of them. "What are you girls doing?"

Instead of looking guilty, they looked happy and way too exuberant, actually. Claire and Casey rushed up to Kai and I. Hugging us both, as they pulled me towards them. "I'm so happy for you both!" Casey grinned, hugging us tighter.

"Can't breathe!" I managed to choke out, as they did let go. I started coughing because they were hugging me too tight. "Still crazy as ever!"

Casey rolled her eyes, giving my back a pat, way too strong.

I glared at her, and she just poked her tongue at me.

"Sorry Alex, Kai" Yui apologized, but Mika didn't seemed sorry, she was grinning, wagging her eyebrows at me.

"Soooo?" Claire asked, and we looked at her.

"So what?" I asked.

"When's the date?" She replied in a duh tone.

"Oh that. " Kai answered unsure, as he rubbed his neck. He glanced at me, asking for some assistance.

"Actually that's for us to know. " I answered her, and she pouted.

"Come on! Details!"

I jutted my chin, and crossed my arms. "Nope. It's between the datee and dater to know that."

Casey started laughing at my choice of words, "The heck Alex."

"Hmmm, the school festival is coming up soon. I don't think you guys will have time to date." Mika voiced out. Oh yeah, she's right. I looked at Kai.

"After the school festival then Alex?" He asked me, and I nodded. Off course, as long as it's with him then anytime is fine by me.

"Where's Risa?" Mika suddenly asked, they finally noticed her absence, "She was here just a minute ago. Oh! And Blake too!" She added, when she put two and two, she was smiling.

"No Mika."

Mika scowled at me, "You're no fun."

I know what's running through her mind, Blake and Risa? I don't think so.

"What are you guys talking about?" All heads turned to see Blake and Risa. Soon, everyone was giving them questioning looks.


"Where were you two?" Kai asked, even he's curious. I mentally laughed in my head.

"Talking." Blake's answer was vague, but we didn't push it any further.

"Guys!" Yui's voice startled us all. "Jake said to go out the front gate. "

"Why?" I asked and where was he the whole time anyways.

Yui shrugged,"I don't know, he just texted me to inform you all."

Without any more questions, we all trudged outside. Blake was beside me, smiling. And beside him was Risa, smiling as well. Damn, they look alike. I wondered what they talked about. Then I remember Mika. Blake..and Risa?

Blake noticed me looking, "What?"

"That's your word of the day huh." I joked, and he smirked. "Weirdo."

Kai's hand found its way into mines, and that tingly feeling overtook me. I literally shook, "Woah! What's with you?" Blake laughed, but when he noticed my hands entwined with Kai, he suddenly kept quiet. He suddenly tugged Risa's arm, and they started walking ahead of us.

"Give him time, Alex." Kai whispered, as he tried to encourage me. I slowly nodded, "Okay."


Okay. So there are balloons everywhere. Kai was shocked, and so was I. Heck, even the others. Is this a prank?

Once we exited the doors, we all gasped at the sore sight or at least for me it is. I hate pink.

There were huge pink balloons everywhere. There were some attached to the gate door, and in the middle stood Jake grinning like an excited kid, was also holding a bunch of them.

"Alex!" He jumped, running to me, pulling me in a tight bear hug. "I missed you!"

I looked dumfounded, "Uh."

"So you likey?" He asked, handing me the bunch of pink balloons.

I was still speechless. Jake planned this?

"Job well done." Kai praised Jake, patting his blond head. I looked up to him, he was smiling at me.

"What?" Now I sounded like Blake earlier.

"You're so cute Alex!" Jake pinched my cheeks, before hugging me again. "Surprise!"

"Totally surprised." I muttered.

"I love it!" Casey cried out, clapping her hands. Off course she does. Its pink, it's her favorite color.

No wonder I didn't saw Jake earlier, he wanted to surprise me. After hearing from Kai about us, he got so excited that he wanted to do something special. I was touched; he's such a sweet kid!

"It looks so pretty!" Risa said, poking Blake's side who was glaring at the balloons. Since when they did become so close?

"Shut up!"

Risa just laughed, and Blake was muttering something incoherent.

SO anyways, after the pink surprise, we all decided to go inside, and chill. Okay, I wanted to laugh at that. It's so weird, how normal everything has finally gotten. Me, hanging out with my friends, boyfriend and sisters.

We decided to watch a movie, while the girls went to the kitchen to get some snacks.

"Tomorrow's going to suck." Mika groaned, once they've exited the kitchen, and was now placing the snacks on the coffee table.

I grabbed a can of coke, "Why?"

"School day." They answered in unison, except for my sisters.

Oh yeah, it's school week. And there's the school festival. I leaned back into the sofa, and kai placed an arm around my shoulder.

I mentally groaned, Reality.


A/N- This sorta sucks, with the story ending. And I don't have any ideas for a new one. Hmm.. Oh well. Thanks for taking the time to read. And the awesome support guys!

I wanna try this dedication thingy, who wants a dedication? Haha.

Arigatou gozaimasu!

another BL story. [Completed ✔][Major Editing]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat