Chapter 60 [Part I]

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My heart started beating faster, as Kai pulled me towards the main school building. I wonder why we're going to get inside though since everyone is already outside, and I remember the teacher locking up the main doors.

I saw kai produce a silver key out of his pocket, and with a smile he unlocked the door, "Being a top student comes with perks, you know."

I laughed, playfully rolling my eyes. Now he's just showing off.

Opening the door, he quickly pulled me inside. 

"Are you going to lock it?" I asked, as I held onto his hand. 

Taking out his phone, he opened his flashlight, "No. I don't think anyone is going to come here, and all the elders left once the dance started. "

With Kai in lead, he guided us towards the stairs. I stood very close to him, I hate the dark. 

"You alright? I know you can't see that well in the dark." Kai asked in concern.

"How'd you know?" 

Stopping, he faced me. "Remember when you came to my room that night?"

I slowly nodded, as I recalled that night. I couldn't breath properly because of his sudden text.

Pinching my cheek, he smiled. "I found out that night. "

I can't help but grin. It's the small things he really notices. How sweet.

Without waiting me to reply, he started to move again. He guided me, as we climbed the stairs. Now I'm getting too curious.

"Are we really going on a date, or are you planning my death?"

Chuckling, he affectionately ruffled my hair, "No silly. Just follow me, okay?"

We continued to walk in silence, and before I know it we were already standing infront of the door accessing to the rooftop.

Kai abruptly stopped, with his back facing me. He didn't move, so I poked his side.

"Hey, you okay?"

No answer. Worried, I went closer, and I noticed him quivering.

"Kai?" I asked once again, as I tried to make him face me.

"Gah!" Kai covered his face, as he stopped me. 

He looks nervous. Does he?

Taking deep breaths, he shook his head. And slowly faced me, "Sorry. I just got nervous all of a sudden. " He apologized with a nervous laugh.

I couldn't help it, he looks really cute.

I hugged him, "It's okay. I'm pretty nervous myself. " I admitted, as I felt his hand wrap around my waist.

"I just want to make you special Alex." He whispered, burying his face into my neck.

If you only can hear my heartbeat right now Kai.

<3 <3

"Where are we going?" Jake asked, as Blake silently tip-toed away from the crowd.

Everyone immediately shushed him. 

Pouting, he leaned closer to Yui. "They're so mean."

Yui giggled, "I think Blake wants to ruin something tonight."

"He's showing us your dream come true Yui." Risa deadpanned, and Yui just blushed.

Jake titled his head, confused. "What do you mean?"

Mika and Reiji, who was just behind them, were also in their own conversation.

"I think Yui looks like a child, while Jake looks like her boyfriend and Risa is the mother who is reprimanding them both. " Mika was making small talk with Reiji, as they watched the three infront of them.

Reiji chuckled, as he held Mika's hand. "You're just too cute to be funny."

"Would you all mind keeping it down! We're gonna get busted." Blake's irked voice made everyone stop, as Blake faced them with an irritated look.

"I don't see point in acting like a bunch of ninjas though." Risa suddenly stood upright, and everyone stopped.

Blake gave a wry smile, and slowly approached her. Risa didn't back down, and Blake's smile grew wider. And with an outstretched hand, he held Risa's head under his palm.

"He's going to kill her!" Mika whispered too loudly.

Jake suddenly jumped next to Blake, effectively removing his brother's hand off Risa, "I don't know where we're really going, but can we leave? It's really freaky here."Jake held onto his big brother's arm.

And sure enough, it is. They now all stood in the middle of the school garden, that is located in the back. And the only light is being emitted from the tall pole, standing in the middle of the garden. So light was scarce, giving the whole garden area, a somewhat scary vibe to it.

Blake wrapped an arm around Jake's shoulder, with a devious smirk, "Alright! Let's get going then."

And with a single pull, he strutted towards the school building with the others slowly following behind. And jake struggling to free himself from his brother's grasp.

"He just told us to keep it down. That idiot." Risa muttered, linking arms with Yui

While walking, Blake held up a hand signalling the others. "Hurry up slowpokes! We have to ruin someone's special night!"

another BL story. [Completed ✔][Major Editing]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu