Chapter 32

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Kai was looking all worried. Quite cute actually.

"So where again were you all going?" Kai asked for the fifth time that night. I've kept count.

The girls were going to out for some fun. Karaoke, Dance club and then a host club, whatever that was.

To be honest, I really didn't want to go. But Risa practically begged me to come. I have a feeling there's something else besides this outing.

Kai and Jake weren't able to come since they were busy.

"All I know was that it's Shinjuku and Akihabara? Did I get that right?"

Kai nodded, yet I can see worry in his eyes.

"Can't you just postpone it? How about next weekend? Jake and I will be able to come then."

I shook my head," No can do kai. Risa was really serious when she said this."

I wasn't lying. She really was. It a first time for me, she was really all bright and happy. So it's really new to me, seeing her all serious and un-Risa like.

Kai shook his head in annoyance. "Why? What's so important about this outing?"

I shrugged, sitting down. I was busy putting my shoes on when Jake came downstairs. I stared in pity. He looks deadbeat.

"You look so.."

Jake pouted, he still looks cute. His hair was all messy, and his eyes were droopy. He was wide awake, along with kai. They were busy finishing something, obviously related to the festival and club.

They were so dedicated. I'm impressed; I've discovered another side of Jake. Even though he acts childish, he's serious when he has to be. He's responsible yet he knows how to balance it with his happy go lucky attitude.

He sat beside me, placing his head on my shoulder. "I can't believe I volunteered to finish all those.."

I felt sorry for him. I looked at kai, who smiled. He also was another good guy; he was there to help Jake even though he was busy with his club activities being president and all.

We were staring at each other for some time now, and like a reflex I can feel a blush coming. I immediately turned my attention to Jake. I patted his head, "You can do it Jake." I encouraged, he sincerely smiled in return, and hugged me in surprise.

"What's with you the two of you?" Blake ruined the moment, he came outside holding a plastic bag. What it contains, we will never know.

"Blake!" Jake jumped up and ran to his brother, giving him a tight hug. Blake didn't push him off nor did he return the hug. He just let Jake be.

Our attentions were diverted towards the door. The maid had let in three girls in. It was Risa, Mika and Yui.

When Jake saw Yui, he instantly ran up to her, hugging her tightly. Yui was so caught in surprise, all she can do was blush.

But the blush soon vanished when the other three girls joined the hug; hence the group hug for Yui.

Yui was turning paler than her normal pale skin.

"She can't breathe!"

Jake immediately let go. "Sorry Yui-chan!"

Yui smiled meekly, rubbing her arms. "Mika was purposely hugging me tight."

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