Chapter 51

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Who would’ve have thought that Blake would really be able to catch the bully. Well - bullies, Risa informed me. I wasn’t that surprised that Risa was with him. They have been getting closer nowadays.

I tightly held Kai’s hand, as we both walked through the school gates. All eyes were instantly on us, but I couldn’t care less. I was internally freaking out. Risa had messaged me half an hour earlier. They’ve caught the bullies. That was all the text contains, not much details on who they were. 

I was so anxious, that I woke Kai up and we immediately ran to school. We arrived  a little early at school. Fortunately, there weren't that much people, and students inside the school campus. I was so caught up with myself that I didn’t notice that someone has stepped in front of us, completely blocking our path towards the main doors.

If Kai hasn’t pulled me back, I could’ve bumped onto him. I blinked, “What?”

It was that cute guy before. The one, that nearly knocked me off my feet.  I felt Kai’s grip on my shoulders tightened, and I stared at them both. And weirdly enough, everyone that was still outside the school was also watching us, and our every move.

The cute guy was with an impassive look, but something tells me that something’s wrong.

I was about to open my mouth, when cute guy hand reached up and covered my mouth. My eyes widened, and Kai gritted his teeth in annoyance. “Get your hand off!” Kai roughly pushed his hand away.

“This is your fault. “ His voice was hard, and it sounded angry. But his face still remained impassive.

Kai took hold of my hand again, he brushed the guy aside. “Whatever. Stay away from us.”

“I don’t care about you. I was talking to Alex.”

“M-me?” I sputtered, looking at him. He slowly nodded and he pointed a finger at me. “You.”

I wasn’t able to reply since Kai has pushed open the main doors, pulling me along with him.

“Don’t listen to him. “ Kai muttered, as he dragged me all the way towards the dean’s office.

So many things ran through my head, as we slowly neared the dean’s office. I was finally going to be able to see the one sending those awful messages and notes. But back then, that guy. What did he mean that it was my fault? Is he connected to my bullies? Or was he talking about something else? and how did he knew my name?

“Alex.” Kai’s voice woke me from my thoughts. He looked worried, and I gave a half-smile. He smiled back, his hand reaching to caress my cheek. “It’s going to be okay. We’re going to get this sorted once and for all. “His hand moved back to his sides, and I suddenly missed his warm touch.

He took a deep breath and exhaled, knocking once on the door before pushing it open.

We were met with five pair of eyes, all looking at us both.

My breath caught in my throat. I couldn’t breathe as I saw them.

There sitting across Blake and Risa, were my bullies.

It was Mikasa and Mike. It's the cousins!?

“Alex?” Kai’s face came into my field of vision, and he offered his hand. I hesitated, as my eyes getting blurry.

Kai smiled, but I can see the sadness behind it. “I love you.” He mouthed at me, and I gave a tight smile, taking his hand.

I can feel the dean’s eyes on me, as Kai guided towards an empty seat. Once seated, I was faced with Mikasa and Mike. Mikasa tried to smile at me, but I couldn’t look at her. While mike, he looked bored.

another BL story. [Completed ✔][Major Editing]Where stories live. Discover now