Chapter 7

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"Hara-what?" I asked Jake. We are currently somewhere out of town where people were brightly dressed up and cosplaying as anime characters. We've been here for an hour already and all we did was walk around.

"Harajuku." Jake repeated for like the fifth time already.

"Why are we here?" We stopped in the middle of the pathway where people are passing by.

'' I want to buy some new clothes~" Jake answered with his adorable puppy dog eyes; his eyes widened and was glistening with sun shining against it.

"We've been walking pass by this area for the tenth time already." Blake sighed impatiently.

"Who told you to come along?" I snapped at him he gave me a sly look but I ignored it, "Where's Kai anyways?" I squinted my eyes as I take a look around for any brown-haired boy. Not the best idea since there's alot of brown-haired guys everywhere.

"Yeah, where's Kai." Jake echoes mimicking my actions.

"Here guys!" Kai shouted waving his hand at us, while his other hand held a plastic bag. What's that?

"Where have you been?" Blake questioned once Kai was infront of us.

Smiling he shoved the plastic bag infront of us, "I went to get treats!"

Jake suddenly grinned taking the plastic bag from Kai's grasp, "I'm starving!" He pulled out another clear smaller plastic and inside was sweets of sorts.

"We can't eat that!" Blake stated with annoyance, as Jake who was in the middle of stuffing himself with those colorful gummy bears, looked at him.

"Well I didn't buy it for you, I bought it for Jake and maybe you'd like some Alex." Kai smiled offering me some, which I gratefully took.

Blake scoffed turning on his heels, "Whatever. I'll go get something to eat, see you all later."

Kai shrugged, "Yeah whatever."

Jake started running after Blake but then stopped mid-way, and then he started speaking in an over-dramatic voice, which sounds horrible by the way, "No! My dear beloved brother! Do not leave thee alone!!"

Kai started laughing, "What the heck!?"

I smiled before taking a look around, some people looked at our way but other than that no one took notice of the blond weirdo in the middle of the pathway with outstretched arms.

I walked up to Jake and patted his shoulder, "Uh, are you okay?"

He grinned flashing his colorful teeth caused by those gummy bears, "Yup, I just thought how fun it would be dramatic." He straightened himself and took long stride-full steps towards a bright looking store.

"Come on, he's still not done shopping." Kai grabbed my hand as we followed the steps of Jake towards the shop.

I look down at our hands, Kai was holding onto my hand and I don't seem to be bothered by it. Should I be happy that I don't feel anything? Like I don't feel any sort of spark or electricity. But it feels really warm, and I like that. Kai looked down at our intwined hands and gave me a friendly smile.

We were greeted by a friendly lady who ushered us to the fitting rooms, and we sat down on the seats available.

"Jake you in there?" Kai shouted at the closed door infront of us.

"Yup! I'm trying this awesome outfit I saw, tell me what you think!" He replied, the door lock clicked open and I tried my best to not laugh and run away.

another BL story. [Completed ✔][Major Editing]Where stories live. Discover now