Chapter 2

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My sleep was rudely disturbed when someone thought it was nice tapping someone nonstop when obviously they're sleeping.

''What!?'' I snapped at the person standing next to my seat. I looked up to see boy, a very cute looking boy. He had a playful smile on, but disappeared once he saw my scowl.

''I'm sorry to disturb you. But I'm sitting next to you, so I had to wake you up.'' He apologized before bowing his head down. What's up with that?

''Oh okay.'' I sat up and he patiently stood next to me.''Well?''

''Your legs.'' He pointed at my sprawled out legs, so I decided to get up so he can just go in.

''Sorry again.'' He smiled sheepishly once he took his seat beside the window. I nodded before taking my seat as well.

Yes he's cute, but I didn't bother flirting anymore. He might be straight and I don't want to cause a scene, especially in the airplane.

''Hi, names Kai.'' The cute dude smiled at me offering me his hand, I looked at him. He looks Asian with light brown hair and brown eyes. A dimple would appear every time he smiles.

''Alex.'' I gave him a curt nod not bothering to shake his hand, he just smile back and retracted his hand.

''Are you Japanese?'' He asked in curiosity and I just nodded.

''Really? So do you know how to speak Japanese then? It's just that your English is really good.'' He babbled, eyes sparkling with excitement.

''I'm half American and Japanese. And I'm fluent in English because I've lived my life in America.'' I stated looking away to indicate to stop talking, but apparently he didn't get the message.

''Awesome! I'm even half. Not America though, specifically Filipino descent.'' He beamed proudly; I just looked at him broadly.

''That sounds.. nice.'' I said mono-toned, he didn't seem to notice my un-enthusiastic voice. I was being mean on purpose; guess this results after getting hurt and being too much of an optimist. And I have no idea what he just said.

''I'm sorry.'' Kai's voice sounded hurt, goal achieved. Yet I feel awful.

''About what?'' I asked with an arched eyebrow.

''I'm being nosy and all. It's just that I'm bored, and it's my first- I mean second time on an airplane. So I get really excited and all.'' He explained all in one breath.

I nodded, 'Okay, sure. Whatever you say bud.''

He gave a determined look, "I promise I won't bother you anymore.''

And that he did, except when he needs to use the bathroom off-course.

My family must have heard the conversation because they would turn around to check on things; more on check on me. My parents were sitting in-front of me and my sisters in front of them, so this way they have views behind and in front.


''Goodbye then.'' Kai smiled before leaving the airplane, and I just waved dismissively before taking my handbag from the luggage area above.

''So who's that good-looking boy, son?'' My mom questioned me once we were outside the airport. Everything seems so different, as I take a quick look around, and this weird looking lettering called Kanji.

''Some kid is all.'' I shrugged nonchalantly. My mom nodded approvingly liking my answer. Notice key word: Kid, because he looks like one.

To be honest I wanted to ask for his number, but I didn't bother anymore since I decided to be a rude jerk towards him earlier. That, and the possibility that he's straight. And the fear that might not want to be friends once he finds out I'm gay. And likely my parents will find out.

We didn't wait long outside since a car came to pick us up, and another huge looking black van right behind it.

''Welcome back sis!'' A lady, probably in her mid-thirties, hugged my mom with teary eyes.

"It's good to be back." My mom smiled widely, before hugging her sister once again.

After that heart-breaking reunion, my mom introduced us all to her only sister. Minus the part about my sexual orientation, off course leave the important part out, I thought bitterly.

My mom said that we will be staying in my aunt's house, it was the house of our grandparents, who sadly passed away before we got to even meet them personally.

''So where's your husband then?'' My dad asked as we walked towards the car.

''We're not together anymore.'' She answered with a solemn face.

''I'm sorry to hear that aunt!'' Claire and Casey comforted my aunt, who forced a smile on her face.

''It's okay dears. There are things in this world that cannot be controlled.'' She patted my sisters back reassuringly. Now I had to roll my eyes at that. If only my parents can accept that with my sexual orientation.

After stuffing our luggage in the trunk and the rest of our things in the huge van, we all gathered inside the car. The ride was loud and chatty, as my parents and aunt caught up on life.

I droned out their voices as I plugged my I-pod on as I stared at the view outside. My parents told us that the house was somewhere in an area called Shibuya. I don't know anything about Japan, so I made a mental note to do some geographic research about japan later on.

I must have fallen asleep because someone forcefully shook me to wake me up, I opened my eyes to see my Claire smiling at me, ''Are we there yet?'' I asked pulling my earplugs off.

''Yeah, come on. The place is HUGE!'' She exclaimed excitedly getting out of the car.

I looked out and damn, the house looks like some sort of ancient-looking houses in japan. Unlike my sister, I got out calmly and saw that there were some people taking our luggage and bringing it inside. I ran towards them, taking my guitar case from this guy who was carrying it carelessly.

He bowed before going back to take the rest of the remaining luggage.

''Oh you're awake now. Your family is settling inside, come on I'll show you your room.'' My aunt beamed at me, walking inside and I followed along, making sure to not trip or make a complete fool of myself.

There were huge wooden doors that were left half opened, and my aunt pushed it opened and I gasped. The inside was more breath-taking, there were trees and greeneries surrounding the house outside, and there was a gravel pathway leading towards the door entrance of the house.

My aunt chuckled, 'Isn't it beautiful. There's a pond further around the back, I'll show you sometime. But now let's get inside.''

I just gave a mere nod.

I took a deep breath once I entered the house, even though it looks old outside, its atmosphere gives out a comfortable and peaceful vibe. My aunt guided me to my room which was upstairs; she told me that my family was already in their given rooms. Dinner is served at 7pm, so that gives me about 3 hours to unpack, and sleep. But being the lazy me procrastinated about it.

Once my aunt left me alone I took a quick glimpse outside the long hallway. I shook any scary thoughts of how creepy it might look at night., instead I  looked at the door in-front of mines, wondering who got the room. Shrugging, I thought about having a tour of my own later on. Closing the door, I went to one of my bags, and looked for some comfortable clothes to change into. Sitting down on my already-made bed, I sighed as I try to take in everything that has happened so far, I felt tired all of a sudden. Lying back on my bed, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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