chapter 12

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My parents were smiling. Thank God!

I gave out a sigh of relief before giving them a smile in return, "Yes?"

My sisters were the first to snicker before my aunt came entering the room with a hanger in hand. It was a school uniform. My school uniform.

My aunt gave me a smile before handing it to and went to sit with my parents. By now everyone has sat down while I still remained standing in the middle of the room staring at the clothing placed preciously in my hands.

"It's your school uniform Alex!" My mom beamed and my dad aswell.

"You got to be kidding me." I muttered as I took the hanger and lifted it in front of me. It consists of a white blouse, black khaki-like pants, a black and white striped necktie and to finish the look a black blazer with white linings.

"Reminds me of my high school days." My dad chuckled as his eyes was reminiscing his past Japanese high school days before he went to America to study for Harvard university.

"But I don't want to wear this!" I complained and my mom instantly frowned in disapproval. My sisters were still snickering; Kai had an amused smile while Jake was grinning. Blake on the other hand was quietly sitting staring off at space.

"Stop complaining." My mom wagged her finger at me and I listened.

"Well now that's settled. Let's have some tea." My aunt clasped her hand together as everyone got up to leave.

"It's late already." I stated.

"It's never late to have tea." My aunt replied with a smile.

Once my parents, sisters and aunt were gone I was left with the three boys.

Kai and Jake were each by my side complimenting about my uniform.

"I bet you'll look fine." Kai smiled.

"You'll look more than fine! You'll look ultra-adorably cute!!" Jake gushed clapping his hands excitedly.

"I'm not sure. I never really wore a school uniform." I grimaced at the idea. I've really never worn a school uniform. I guess I was used to casual wear back at my old school. But then again it is different here. I know that only rich, private schools wear uniforms.

"I hate tea." Blake muttered before leaving aswell, he was obviously listening to our conversation.

"You both have more explaining to do." I pointed at Jake and Kai, who nodded in agreement.

"I'll place this in my room and I'll meet you guys in the dining room." I told them before walking upstairs to my room. Once I've placed it inside my closet I headed out only to collide to Blake.

"Watch it will you.." Blake muttered before walking to his room slamming the door too loudly. Angry much?

I face-palmed myself, "He's freaking bi-polar." I reminded myself. I can't help but shiver though.

But why is he retreating to his room already. Right, he hates tea. I walked downstairs to see everyone happily consuming cakes and sipping on their tea. Kai looked somewhat relieved to see me and I cocked my eyebrow in question.

"Let's eat some muffins!" Jake pulled me from the doorway and forced me to sit in between him and Kai.

"Are you alright?" Kai asked and I nodded, why bother telling about Blake's rude behavior earlier since he's a freaking bi-polar.

"Good. Now eat." He placed a plate full of assortment of cakes and muffins in front of me and Jake busied himself stirring my cup of tea.


"Now speak!" Claire demanded as she towered me with her hands on her hips.

After the late tea-time my two sisters dragged me to their joined humungous room forcing me to spill whatever it is that's bothering. As if I'll tell them that.

"What's there to speak of?"

Claire's features softened as she took a seat beside me, "I'm sorry Alex." She apologized, surprisingly.

"For what?"

"For being mean sisters." Casey answered who sat across me.

I shrugged, "Doesn't change anything."

Claire and Casey gave up as they both got up, "Fine."

They went somewhere near their closet before walking back to me, this time they were hiding something behind their backs.

"What are you both doing?" I asked as I eye them both.

Next thing I knew I was all tied up against my will as my two sisters grinned evilly at me.

"What the hell sis, untie me. NOW." I growled as I tried wriggling out of the tight bond I'm held captive in.

I gulped as they approached me with the deadliest weapon created upon mankind.


Plastic feather.

another BL story. [Completed ✔][Major Editing]Where stories live. Discover now